†FUCK†LIFE† profile picture


When time stops and all else is silent...

About Me

THE LIL PEOPLE ^_^heres my story.. i was born in sacramento california, i lived in alot of diferent places when i was growing up..when i was "8" i got put into fostercare and had to watch my mom get dragged away in a police car, at the time all i could think about was what i was gonna do next, but before i could do anything i was standin in a recieving home by myself.. when i woke up i was in a fosterhouse serounded by people i didnt know and scared out of my mind,that day i started councleing, my councler told me i was deprested and had violent tendencies, i dont know why i had to see her i mean no shit i just got took from my parents dumbfuck im sad get a live..anyways my councler started me on psycotropics( i know it sounds like a skittle)..all they did was make me feel like a zombie all i did was sit and read in my room and when someone talked to me i would just ignor them.my first fosters parents were tammy and phile millhouse they were the best kind of people you could meet,after a year there they broke up and i had to leave, the next couple years of my life i got bounced around fosterhomes,then after 6.5 years of ignoring people and staying to myself my dad got me out i was "14"... I was nieve to think life got better liveing with family but it didnt take long before my dad got rid of me to.. My first year of highschool was misserable i just didnt want to talk or get to know anyone thinking i was just gonna move anyway, but then sophmore year i figured fuck it and started to talk to people again my first real click was with a group of skaters, it was cool i got to have alot of fun and meet new people, and as soon as i was getting comfortable i moved again to a new school with new people.. by then i was "16".. and it was my third year of highschool when i got there it sucked i didnt know anyone and everyone was an asshole.. after that i figured it would be easyer to just take the exit exam and get my ged so i did passed them both.. now im "18".. and just the other day my brother in law asked me "if i could go back to a time were i was truely happy, when would it be?"..As soon as he asked it my imediant responce was, " never experianced that.. must be nice.." he thought i was jokeing..sure if laughed alot and joked around, but i never really was truely happy.. so if you just read all this thnx for hearing my story my names mark whats yours?Well its been awhile sence i wrote anything on my profile so heres just an up date im 18 bored as hell getting my tat this weekend ill put pics up when its finished:] most of u might think im stupid for wanting what im getting haha but fuck u idc well yea hit me up i need to hang out with people before i leave so yea hit me up:]

My Interests

My interests have changed completely in the last year it used to be to do whatever i can to get what i wanted and im not gonna lie, i wanted sex.. now however i dont want just sex anymore i want a real relationship and to be able to just sit and talk to someone without feeling like their judgeing me and i mean dopnt get me wrong i still love sex aha lol but now i want something real.i like to skate. i love to stay up all night and talk on the phone its fun haha i play alot of games and i dont care what you say lol im a nerd lol i always got good grades and i used to play magic lol i also love to go to pismo beach and surf with acouple friends i like to box with my brother and i was in wrestling for 4 years but as soon as it was required to wear the tights i quit lol haha but ill still flip ur ass over my shoulder and put u to sleep haha lets see umm i also like to blast my music hella loud all the time and punch stuff it makes me happy^_^my nigga shes hella hott^_^

I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet someone who can knock me off my feet just by looking at me, and who can make me feel like i cant go wrong in life.. i will admit im not the easyest person to date but nomatter what i say or do its only because i get scared fast when i really like or love someone,and that would be because i've been in alot of relationships and most ended because they treated me like shit or something..But untill resently i just kinda relized i dont have to take that crap i mean e=when ur gf comes over and has hickeys on her and she tells you their from her ex and that they werer just playing around...right well fuck you to for that one stupid slut lol anyways yea just looking for someone who is worth being with and wont do some stupid thing like that


KICKS ASS!!!!!! bitch!!!


i like alot of movies well prety much anything as long as someone gets killed lol i think its funny when someone jumps in front of a train lol like on hostel lol it made me laugh haha i like all the saw movies haaha their great lol but everyonce in awhile i'll watch a girlsy movie lol but only if im with a girl lol


i dont watch it.. i dont got time


i've read alot of books i think reading is great. i've had a college reading level sence the 5th grade and im aparently a nerd lol


GANGSTA BITCH!!! LIL RONNIEmy sis^_^ much love amanda^_^ mucho loveHomies 4 lifefuck HEROES who the fuck needs'em what are they really good for.. what getting ur hope up then screwing you!?? fuck'em i dont need anybody i got myself!

My Blog

hey look at this fill it out for me :]

1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What’s the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do you think we will be...
Posted by FUCK LIFE on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 05:40:00 PST

ask me anything u want people!! :]

i dont care how odd or stupid lol ask away:]
Posted by FUCK LIFE on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:37:00 PST

if i was ur bf????

1.) How many times a day would you kiss me?answer:2.) Would you call me every night?answer:3.) Would you have sex with me?answer:4.) Would you take me to places?answer:5.) Would you love me?answer:6.)...
Posted by FUCK LIFE on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 01:09:00 PST


i dont get it if told almost everyone i know about what im doing and alot of them said thats great but it sucks because some said i was stupid and really fuck em i dont need anyone anymore so everyon...
Posted by FUCK LIFE on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 10:22:00 PST

i guess this means goodbye

 im tired of this place its eather leave or die so i think ill leave the only thing thats kept me here was someone but whaever she doesnt think of me the way i think of her so fuck it im out fuck...
Posted by FUCK LIFE on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 03:10:00 PST


i cant wait to fucking leave i was goin to come back in two years but fuck this place i hate it theirs nothing here, really i shouldnt have ever came back the last time. hmm yea heres my new plane whe...
Posted by FUCK LIFE on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:00:00 PST

im not gonna

feel sorry for u anymore ok so ur sad im leaveing wtf ever what u want me to stay just for u..? its not even that i wouldnt love to but why u said urself ur not looking for anything just a fuck buddy,...
Posted by FUCK LIFE on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:41:00 PST

i really am tired of

Ex girldfriends trying to talk to me again i mean fuck u, ok theirs a reason ur an ex gf and thats because u desided to do some stupid shit or something i mean when i go out with someone i put up with...
Posted by FUCK LIFE on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 01:53:00 PST

my plan for florida LEAVEING SOON :)

  1.Ok people well heres exactly what im doin in florida ok first im gonna chill for like a week at my brothers and play x-box 360 And plastation 3 all day then prolly go to the beach FAVORI...
Posted by FUCK LIFE on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 01:08:00 PST

dam it

Right now i should be happy as hell but really All i can do is think of someone i cant have I mean i wish i was able to even see her But its not likely that will happen Even now i got 4 people who wan...
Posted by FUCK LIFE on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 08:55:00 PST