Gaming, Game Day.
YOU...AT GAME DAY! Here is the schedule for the next game day Game day is from 1PM to 8PM CASUAL PLAY---1-8PM TOURNEYS: YU-GI-OH, POKEMON---2PM VS. SYSTEM, MAGIC: THE GATHERING---4PM WORLD OF WARCRAFT, CHAOTIC, HEROCLIX---6PM Of course we will accomodate people playing in multiple tourneys, so you don't have to miss out on a game. Also, we will be happy to teach you or help refresh your memory on a certain game. You will find that Jim Hanley's Universe is an ideal place to meet all of your gaming needs. Questions, Comments, Ideas? Please post it! Thank you for coming!!!
The Who, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Daft Punk, The Wu-Tang Clan, Game Day
LOTR, Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Pulp Fiction, The Warriors, Robocop, The Big Lebowski, Alien, Game Day: The Movie
MST3K, Arrested Development, The Upright Citizens Brigade, Game Day, The Animated Series.
Lord of the Game Day, The Grapes of Game Day, To Game Day a Mockingbird
The Men and Women who take time out of their Sunday to go to gameday, Jim Hanley's Universe.