About Me
Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0We Live For The Protection of our Brothers. Our brothers are those who follow in the footsteps of the Believers. What does not kill you, will only make you stronger. When they break you, you choose to protect the lives of those you consider your family. We snap at the sight of someone that is evil hurting one of those around us. We know we will live when we die. THE CHRISTIAN CAR, is not a gang name. It is the name of the crew I belong to. The believers that know that there is no dollar value on life. We all are on the LEVEL. The level of understanding, what life has done to all of us. We have all been broken, and have no forgiveness for those that deceive and lie to get what they desire. Such as men that push tweak to young women and men. I have seen a fucking 5th grade kid smoking tweak, just walking down the street and there he is, hiding under a bridge, hitting the pipe. We made eye contact. That is when my spirit broke inside, and I became what I am now. I fell to my knees, and asked the Father that he turns me into a soldier of the Kingdom of Heaven. And that he uses me in the REVOLUTION, to save the lives of those he chooses. To bring hope and joy to the hearts of the children that have had their INNOCENCE torn from them. I am sure, that you all know what I mean. If you want a reality check, and have your heart turned into that of a soldier that will not fall to greed or deception, download every song created by IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE. The gift is real. The powers of the Heaven's can be achieved. Can be granted to you if you so desire it. Truely, within your heart, if you want to do GOOD. The world is tearing itself apart, from the inside of your heart to the very flesh of your skin. The times have changed, the world we were raised to believe as young Christian's was nothing but blindedness to what our families truely are. But, as you grow older, and wiser, when you are gifted the gift of innocence, "Man shall be reborn in Christ's Image." While I was in jail at theolacy not even 2 months ago. I flipped open a bible and the first sentence I read, was the quote above. II Corinthians, I dont remember what chapter or verse. I never understood why I stumbled upon it so innocently and happens to be the first sentence I read. The Christian Car, was then started the next day. And ever since, I have been on the path of Righteousness. I do not claim to be Righteous because we all make our mistakes and NO ONE is perfect. But, what I can describe it as, is, you take the Fathers left hand, and the son's Right hand, and they pick you up, and you walk like you weigh nothing. Take my word. For it is REAL. We are all in the same world, and it does not matter of your race, but it matters of your RELIGION, makes you who you are inside and out. YOU ARE WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN. CHOOSE WISELY. THERE IS ONLY ONE LIFE AFTER DEATH, AND ONLY ONE SHALL GIVE YOU THE GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE, EVEN BEFORE YOU DIE. YOU WILL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER ONCE YOU CONFORM AND THEN YOU WILL TRANSFORM INTO WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO BE. (HAPPILY EVER AFTER). I lost the love of my life, lost my father to Crystal Meth at 12. Never had a Mother. My grandmother is dying in the hospital. But I am still happy to be me. That, is the gift we all wish for. Happiness within our selves. We must remain courageous, and never let ourselves beat our selves down because we think that we are less of a man. Which is easy to do because of what has been done unto many of us here in The land of the free. Land of the ?free? MY WHITE ASS. Enslaved to work our lives away just to have a place to rest our heads, and food on the table, a car, and a phone. THE PERFECT SETUP FOR THE DEBT OF THE NATION WE END UP PAYING FOR. WE ARE ALL SLAVES TO THIS NATION. ONLY NOW DO WE HAVE THE CHANCE TO SEE WHAT THEY BLIND US WITH.