I am originally from Northwest Indiana. I have recently moved to the Daytona Florida area for the better weather as well as learnin to stunt from the best of the best around!
On a normal day I can been seen rippin' it up, racin' at the track, muddin' my Jeep, rollin' to shows with my Chevy Monster Truck, and of course throwin' some rooster tails with a dirt bike or quad!
Yeah I know, pretty girlie girl doin' all this crazy shit!!! Thats just who I am, just like one of the guys and if ya have a problem with that then that's your loss! I am a very competitive girl!!!
I am also a model/promo girl for various extreme sports and entertainment companies, which allows me to travel to different places all over the world and meet new people.
I'm the most complicated, simple girl you will ever meet and what I bring to the table is what makes me who I am. If ya hate me that's yer loss...xoxo -BooLiquid Media Design
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