The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

About Me

PERSONAL ABOUT ME: I'm 6' 1" and tons of fun (couldn't resist saying that!). I'm a very driven, passionate, yet laid back all American guy, who loves to laugh as well as make other fine folks laugh by being a goofball when feelin' saucy :) Currently, I've come to a cross-roads in my life in that I've completely rearranged my priorities as to what is truly important to me. Originally, my top priority was my career with my Girlfriend at the time and God battling it out for 2nd and 3rd "priority place." She left me (actually, she cheated on me before leaving), which has taught me a multitude of life lessons regarding what is truly important to me...Reflecting over the past few years, I realise it's just that things start happening and you go down a road and you think it's only for a little while and you get caught up in get into it, and you don't really have time to really ask questions about it, and before you know it, you're living a life that you didn't set out for or that you didn't intend. The good news is, my priorities are now properly remedied: God = #1, My Girl (leavin' that one up to "Mr. Big Guns's" timing upstairs) = #2, and my career = #3. It feels rather freeing to have that appropriately to figure out what's next for yours truly...*PROFESSIONAL ABOUT ME: I am a published photographer based on the West Coast focusing primarily on sexy fashion / glamour images (think Maximstyle) and will shoot a model for her portfolio, web site content, and submissions to clients and magazines. I also shoot everything else from headshots, casual, and products to even gourmet food! I work in a fun, professional, (creep free) environment, so contact me if you're interested in working together!I am also a 3D Broadcast Motion Graphics Artist specializing in designing games, tv packages, and FX for film. You can see my latest work on the "Scene It?" DVD movie games out in stores now as well as my online portfolio ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ****************************CHECK OUT WWW.RUSSELLPERKINS.COM TO SEE MY PHOTOGRAPHY & 3D MOTION GRAPHICS WORK!******************************************************* ************************************************************ *********************************
Russell Perkins Photo Shoot featuring Sabrina Maree

Russell Perkins Photo Shoot featuring Sabrina Maree

My Interests

Hiking, biking, video games (Halo, baby!), sketching, basketball, photography, and maturing in my walk with God.


I'd like to meet:

There are many people in the gaming / film industry whom I would love to meet and there are many people who I come across every day whom I would be really interested in getting to know.I recently moved to Pleasanton in CA about 6 months ago and would very much like to make new friends in the Tri - Valley area. I've been fortunate to meet a few very terrific individuals and am anxious to expand that number!


Everything except country and Michael Bolton....*hurl!*


Lord of the Rings trilogy, Back to the Future trilogy, Star Wars trilogy, Batman, Saving Private Ryan, Snatch, Jurassic Park, The Matrix trilogy, Forget Paris, Indiana Jones trilogy, Harry Potter films....I could go on and on!


Scrubs....'nuff said.


1776, The Riftwar Saga, 13 Angels, Star Wars books....I don't read too much...something I hope to do more of!


God, my grandfather, Steven Spielberg, Ian McCaig, John Williams, my father, and Invader Zim...

My Blog

Its 2008 - and Im feelin GREAT!

So here it is, almost June - the year is almost halfway over ALREADY and so far it has been SUCH a better year than 2007!  2007 can suck it for all I'm concerned....good riddance. ...
Posted by RUSSELL PERKINS PHOTOGRAPHY on Mon, 26 May 2008 11:00:00 PST

"Ask me ANYTHING you want" blog...

Hello, everybody!!  I came across this idea from a friend's myspace, so I snagged it since lately, I've had nothing to do and have a great deal of time for MySpace.. yay! ..hahaha. As ...
Posted by RUSSELL PERKINS PHOTOGRAPHY on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:46:00 PST

Why your camera does not matter

I got this off of another fellow photog's myspace and thought I'd share it with you guys! Why Your Camera Does Not MatterĀ© 2006 Ken Rockwell Also in Dutch, Vietnamese, Russian and Hungarian Read...
Posted by RUSSELL PERKINS PHOTOGRAPHY on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 06:02:00 PST


So you want me to take your pic??? Inquire within.  I do not shoot for free but my rates are very reasonable. Russ All photoshoots include a cd with 10 i...
Posted by RUSSELL PERKINS PHOTOGRAPHY on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 06:48:00 PST

HALO 3: Pure gaming bliss

After a long day at work yesterday, I came home and turned on my Xbox 360 for some gaming goodness.  To my surprise and excitement, there was a glorious Halo 3 trailer just waiting to be download...
Posted by RUSSELL PERKINS PHOTOGRAPHY on Thu, 11 May 2006 09:08:00 PST

Illegal Immigration - Keyword: "ILLEGAL"

I have had it "up to here" with illegal immigration and all of the protests going on.  It's such a simple subject, yet there seems to be a helluva lot of unnecessary fog clouding what is really&n...
Posted by RUSSELL PERKINS PHOTOGRAPHY on Mon, 01 May 2006 02:16:00 PST

Heeeeeyeeeeah!!! Whhaaaat?!? OOOOOOooookaay!!!

Wahoo!  The project I've been feverishly working on has been submitted to New Line Cinema for approval, so hopefully it will be smooth sailing.  In the meantime, I've begun design work on a ...
Posted by RUSSELL PERKINS PHOTOGRAPHY on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 10:41:00 PST

Work - sleep - work - sleep - PARTAY!

This is my first blog on myspace; I actually created this account quite awhile ago and forgot I even had it!  Where to begin?  Lately, I've been working feverishly to complete the design of ...
Posted by RUSSELL PERKINS PHOTOGRAPHY on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 07:27:00 PST