Russell Perkins Photo Shoot featuring Sabrina Maree
Russell Perkins Photo Shoot featuring Sabrina Maree
Russell Perkins Photo Shoot featuring Sabrina Maree
Hiking, biking, video games (Halo, baby!), sketching, basketball, photography, and maturing in my walk with God.
There are many people in the gaming / film industry whom I would love to meet and there are many people who I come across every day whom I would be really interested in getting to know.I recently moved to Pleasanton in CA about 6 months ago and would very much like to make new friends in the Tri - Valley area. I've been fortunate to meet a few very terrific individuals and am anxious to expand that number!
Everything except country and Michael Bolton....*hurl!*
Lord of the Rings trilogy, Back to the Future trilogy, Star Wars trilogy, Batman, Saving Private Ryan, Snatch, Jurassic Park, The Matrix trilogy, Forget Paris, Indiana Jones trilogy, Harry Potter films....I could go on and on!
Scrubs....'nuff said.
1776, The Riftwar Saga, 13 Angels, Star Wars books....I don't read too much...something I hope to do more of!
God, my grandfather, Steven Spielberg, Ian McCaig, John Williams, my father, and Invader Zim...