Etymology, etilogy, entomology, spelling
Abe Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Lissajous, Bach, Johannes Kjoellnessier, Virco Garibaldi and Stanislas Cwjinsky.
Monteverdi, Mott the Hoople, Mozart, minimal, Maxim Shastakovich, Morley, Moms Mabley, Morton Feldman, Felix Mendellsohn
The Court Jester, The Loved One, The Lords of Dogtown, Lord of the Rings, Ivanhoe, Robin Hood, Star Wars (original), Lavender Hill Mob, La Plume de ma tante.
General Hospital, All My Children, The Gong Show, The Ernie Kovacs Show, Douglas Edwards and the News, Perry Como Show, The Jimmy Rodgers Show, Masterpiece Theater, Nova
The Science and Sensation of Vocal Tones, Bach Escher & Goedel, Be Here Now, Orchestration (Berlioz/Strauss), Understanding Media, The Gutenberg Galaxie, I Seem To Be A Verb
There are no heroes: only normal people who did something far above and beyond the normal.