I like to learn the weird ass facts not too many people know. Or answers to off the wall questions that make you go"huh,Idunno" My brother just asked me this one: "what do u think makes the nails in a deck pop up?..do they wear up from walking on it or does the wood shrink? or both? did u know that there are only 8 planets in our solar system now...Pluto isn't a planet anymore.. Crazy stupid but interesting shit to know.
Create Your Own!
Sylvia Brown
I like a variety of music...Rap and rock mostly.I like some of the hardcore shit depending on what it sounds like..and i even like some country songs..I dont really care too much. I like songs that speak for me and say what i couldnt make sound right. I communicate through music a lot.
awww man...the patriot, the notebook (i know its corny but its sooo sweet!!) bone collector, Con Air....shit i dont know..
I don't usually get to watch what I want on TV..Camren loves Nick Jr. so i have to wait until he isnt watching a show he likes..but then I switch it to something like CSI or Friends-maybe King of the Hill..Im not picky as long its not a cartoon.
As predictable as this sounds..my mom is one of my heroes..She is a strong woman for putting up with ALL the shit she shouldn't have had to.."CHIN UP" she says-no matter what. I'd also have to say my brothers who both had their turn at the bottom but dug their way out and surpassed what people said... If they've taught me anything, they've taught me to hold my ground and just keep on tryin..eventually you'll get there.(right Michael?)