Ceego's Bio
Ceego as an artist was in development at sevenyears old, as far as I can remember. The point where I haddiscovered I wanted to actually do music was when heardmy father rap on Pittsburgh's biggest rap radio stationWAMO. For some years I hadn't told my father that Iactually waned to do music. Some two years later myfather begins piecing together this massive'Wu-Tangesque' group with numbers in the high teens.This group would later converge onto the more businessend of music, and later become GH Entertainment. Whenmy father finally gave me the grren light to even touch themicrophone I knew music was what I wanted to do, as wellas a relief from the everyday normality of life in thatperiod. I spent WEEKS platins with ideas for a stagename. Taking letters from my nicknames and combiningthem, names from books and history. From 'AM' to 'KM''K-mo' to 'C-g3Po' (Ha!). At some point I figured I would beten years old forver, so I mathematically came up with thename 'CGO'. Now, for those of us who haven't seen theconnection between being 10 years old, and the nameC-GO; I'ma break it down.
NOW! Keep in mind that I was ten years old at thetime.
At random selection I chose the numbers 3 and 7.Moreso that I like those numbers though. 3+7= 10(yearsold), Now the third letter in the alphabet is 'C' the seventhis 'G'. But, the name 'CG' just sounded too plain, so Iadded an 'O' for comfort. Hence, The name CGO.
Some years later, around the age of 13 I moved toAtlanta, Ga with my parents, and remained anti-socialuntil I started attending 'CROSS KEYS HIGH SCHOOL'.The school that brought forth my personality, andindiviuality. My first year I enrolled in the two mostinfluential classes, as a student(Band, and Spanish). I wasfortunate enough to be taught by a talented figure simplyknown as 'Mr Jones' a.k.a MR. JONZ(who may also befound on myspace) whose affection for music mirroredmine.
In my senior year of high school a friend of minenamed Big Duck took me to the school parking lot, and outhis Tahoe on twenties comes bumping this bassy, movingmusic. This voice starts singing in spanish, which at thatpoint all I knew how to say was 'Que dia es hoy'(ha!). Myspanish was minimal, but I loved the sound of the music.Duck turns to me and goes "His name's Don Omar and thesong is called 'Dile'." At that time I had already beenpursuing rap, and producing with talented artists such asCatalyst, Mayhem, Envy, and Kaliber. Duck once againturned to me and says "Man you should make reggaetonbeats too. I got friend that sings, and needs somereaggaeton beats." So, I took him up on that and beganproducing reggaeton. Duck later introduces me to threefriends of his. Afi, Benny, and Italo; who all three blew meaway once they started to sing over my track. Sadly, Afiwould later die in Puerto Rico. R.I.P Afi
Later that year, Mayhem would introduce me toFlako, and Benny would later introduce me to DJ Geo.Both would play GRAND roles in my music. Also towardthe end of that year I would meet my little brother 'Jay'who would later form his own group 'Alma Letal'. Uponbeginning a productive-partnership with Flako (OMProductionz) I decided to begin a music company myself,calling it '3-70 Music'(Obvious choice huh?). Uponmeeting DJ Geo my partnership with Flak would falltemporarily to pieces, but another one would beblossoming.
Once the pieces began to fit back together themachine was off and running. The way I see it; there's waymore history to come. So, I keep my eyes and ears open,and roll with the flow. Yadadamean?!