Filmmaking, Sound design, Photography, Cooking, Most things artistic...
I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch In The House, Orff, Wagner, Bach, Basil Polidouris, Slan, Skinny Puppy, George Strait, Nothing Error, 12 Midnite, Morcheeba, AC/DC, Neil Young, G-n-R, Den of Thieves... And on, and on, and on.
Apocalypse Now, Anything by Michael Mann, The Wild Geese, Meet Joe Black, Spy Game, Three Kings, Mississippi Masala, Grosse Point Blank, Amistad, Monty Python And The Holly Grail, Excalibur, The Replacement Killers, Scarface, You Only Live Twice, Notorious... Too many to list.
Smallville, Boston Legal, Las Vegas, DaVinci's Inquest, Trailer Park Boys, Dead Like Me...
The Nirvana Blues, Some Can Whistle, Gun With Occasional Music, I Lucifer, Indian Killer, Yes Is Better Than No, Griffin and Sabine...
Hunter S. Thompson, John Trudell, Michael Mann...