About Me
Sekta started as a DJ in 1999 and has undergone a transformation that has evolved from his original hip-hop origins into a mish mash of electro, disco, house, hip-hop, favela funk, miami bass, baltimore with a collision of baltimore and old school reggae. Such a winning combination of musical genres has helped to make Sekta one of the highest regarded connoisseurs of new french and has even seen him compared to the likes of the artistes residing on the almighty Ed Banger Records label (whose rosta boasts Justice, Uffie, Sebastian and Surkin amongst many others). In this, Sekta stands alongside the Ed Banger crew as a strong leader in what is known as "la révolution française".
The last eight years have been a roller coaster of immense proportions in which Sekta has hosted soundtrack to parties around Poland, Czech Republic and Austria supporting the likes of Afu-Ra, Group Home, De La Soul, Beat Junkies Crew, Prince Paul, Preverted Monks, Blak Twang, Mr. Gentleman, Declaime, Grand Agent, and Beat Camp Soundsystem. Not one to shy away from leading the way forward, Sekta has also lead Polish groups Grammatik (as a band dj), Pezet/Noon, O.S.T.R, Masala Soundsystem (as a scratcher), Lona, Flexxip, and Echo.
Not only has Sekta been creating havoc on dancefloors around Europe, he has also participated in events such as the International Astigmatic Festival and Philips GoGear Tour - all whilst spending the last five years producing his own music and beginning to generate a sound that has become distinctive on the underground thanks to his musical appearances in sets by the legendary DJ Touche and Don Rimini. And as if all of that weren't enough to keep a young DJ/Producer busy, Sekta is currently finishing his first EP - a guaranteed collection of fresh club tracks to accompany the career of the young musical gifted that is Sekta.
Zaczynal w 1999 roku jako didzej hip-hiphopowy ale z czasem jego muzyczne
zainteresowania intensywnie sie rozwinely – w tej chwili jego sety to polaczenie
bardzo wielu gatunków, wsród których mozna znalezc stare i wspólczesne
electro, disco, new- i old-schoolowy hip-hop, house, funk, stare reggae,
favela funk, miami bass czy baltimore. Jest prawdopodobnie najlepiej
zorientowanym w kraju didzejem jesli chodzi o „la révolution française"†-
czyli nowa fale francuskiego electro spod znaku wytwórni Ed Banger i
zwiazanych z nia artystów takich jak Justice, Uffie, Sebastian, Surkin...
Przez ostatnie 8 lat gral dziesiatki imprez i koncertów na terenie Polski,
Czech i Austrii. Wystepowal m.in. przed takimi zagranicznymi artystami jak
Afu-Ra, Group Home, De La Soul, Beat Junkies Crew, Prince Paul, Preverted
Monks, Blak Twang, Mr.Gentleman, Declaime, Grand Agent, Beat Camp
Soundsystem, jak równiez polska czolówka - Grammatik (jako didzej zespolu),
Pezet/Noon, O.S.T.R, Masala Soundsystem (jako skreczer), Lona, Flexxip,
Echo... Bral równiez udzial w takich eventach jak miedzynarodowy Astigmatic
Festival czy Philips GoGear Tour. Pojawial sie takze na antenie „starejâ€
Radiostacji. Od okolo 5 lat produkuje wlasne utwory muzyczne cieszace sie
coraz wiekszym uznaniem. Ostatnio gra je chocby znany Londynski didzej
Touche czy Paryska gwiazda nowej fali electro – Don Rimini. Sekta wlasnie konczy prace nad swoja pierwsza Ep-ka.
Sekta LIVE @ Klub55 01/2008 - Part 1
Sekta LIVE @ Klub55 01/2008 - Part 2
Sekta LIVE @ Klub55 01/2008 - Part 3
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