Evolution and indulgence. Furthering the cause of human experience in all forms. Hedonism. Overcoming duality. Gothic fashion. Industrial music. Porn. Conspiracy theories. Becoming more extroverted and enjoying my process.
Anyone and everyone. Liberated people who aren't afraid of themselves. Spiritual seekers and hedonists. Anyone who will indulge me. Trippers and psychonauts. Human apes of all sorts. Anyone who has seen a UFO. Check your ideology at the door! I want to meet anyone who has real feelings that aren't programmed or responsive, and who can say something of value instead of sharing advice or opinions or small talk.
Dead Can Dance - Pink Floyd - Anything on Waveform - Cocteau Twins - Marilyn Manson - Submodern - Led Zeppelin - NIN - The Beatles - KMFDM - Johnny Cash - Higher Intelligence Agency - Bauhaus - Laibach - Dead Can Dance - Johanne Sebastian Bach - whatever that funky analog bass shit they play at every playa dome the first part of the week is... after that it seems to change to something else.
I like ones with no plot, no dialog, no gratuitous acting, and no wardrobe.
is the opiate of the masses.
Please don't burn them all-------------- Remember, just because it's in print doesn't make it true, and just because they burn or ban it, doesn't make it relevant.
- Terence McKenna - Tim Leary - Jimmy Page - Marilyn Manson - Jesus - Art Bell - Bob Lazar - Tim Burton - Elvis - Einstein - Pythagoras - DaVinci - Verde - Poe - Lovecraft - Escher - Ozzy - All females - Ram Dass - Bach - Abbey Hoffman - Anyone who has kids - Whoever invented vinyl - Anyone who has seen a UFO - My amazing lover and companion and girlfriend - Anyone who sends me money!!! ------------------------------------------------ Anyone who can spend all their time and money and energy designing and constructing megalithic art objects, and manages to drag them into the harsh desert environment and erect them for the sake of spectacle and unity without giving up or dying, and all only to be eaten by the alkaline dust of playa!