alan moore, alternative history, batman, biking, black, books of all genres, brian azzarello, buffy, burlesque, cats, comics, comics for mature readers, cthulhu, cuddling, dead things, fantasy fiction, fantasy role playing, fetish, flirting, football, godzilla, grant morrison, grindcore, hard boiled crime, hardcore, hellblazer, history, horror, horror comics, horror films, horror movies, indiana jones, john constantine, justice league, king kong, kittens, league of extraordinary gentlemen, listening, metal, monsters, movies, mutant spiders, noir, Norwich City Football Club, old books, old school wrestling, perversion, poetry, politics, preacher, pro choice, punk, reading bad novels, reading till late, really weird stuff, rock, roleplaying games, romantic, romanticism, sandman, science fiction, science fiction movies, sciene fiction, sensuality, sex, sex & death, sf, sigourney weaver, snakes, spaced, speed metal, star wars, staying up late, stoner rock, superheroes, talking, thrash metal, twisted humour, vampire fiction, vampires, walking in the countryside, warren ellis, weird shit, weird stuff, werewolves, wolves, women, women in leather, wrestling, zombies
Come one, Come all...I bid you welcome!
Metal, Punk, Grind, Stoner, Goth, Bluegrass, Rock,
Wild at Heart, South Park, Star Wars, Vertigo,
Lost, South Park, Life on Mars, Match of the Day
Oh far too many too mention
My Great Grandmother...She did the right thing when faced with overwhelming odds and in a time when working class women were treated like shit, basically...