i am interested in bullyin pl n pissin pl off reali nm else part frm been da 1 n onli kezzas bestest PIMPLET!!!!!!
Well obviously da fookin mint pl dt created and put kezza on dis shit hole of an earth (karen n phwillip) lol n a wud also lurvvveee 2 meet da creaters of me bt a duno who dy r cz ya neva no ma mam mte b a bit of a slag na am onli jkin she seriously int. n eminem whoop whopp n a mte go n meet a bit of britney or girls aloud if kezzas off cz she wil wnt ma gr8 n luvin support whooopp whoooop
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All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Lauren
Middle name?:: Rachel
Like your name?:: nope a h8 it am guna change ma name sn will b kwl lol
Named after anyone?:: nope bt da nurse choze it damn er lol
Any nicknames?:: lozz
Age?:: 16 bt a act bout 5
Birthdate?:: 10/07/90 am expectin loadza prezzies lol
Birthplace?:: york or hull a duno av neva askd
Time you were born?:: 3.27pm
Current location?:: in da room wt da computa lol
Height?:: 5ft7 a tink bt aint sure
Like your height?:: nope a wna b smaller
Eye color?:: greeny wt bit of brown
Contacts/glasses?:: contacts ovawise am well blind
Hair color?:: brown bt getin it wt blondy bits v sn yeahhhh
Natural hair color?:: brown
Dye your hair often?:: nope
Righty or lefty?:: righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: rap n R'n'B
Band or singer?:: ooooo between Eminem n 50cent
TV show?:: SCRUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Movie?:: ooo wt a cunundrum a tink it myt av taa b da devil wears prada jus 4 da ginner bitch shes fookin mint init kezza lol no sharnt!!!
TV channel?:: gta b abc1 or ch4 cz dts where our shows guna b startin owt dnt 4get 2 wtch comin sn!!
Radio station?:: galaxy no1 4 R'n'B lol
Place to be?:: owt wt m8s newhere a dnt mind
Thing to do?:: tlk a lurvveee ta tlk!!!
Food?:: cold beans n choccy choc
Non alcoholic drink?:: asda's own juice
Alcoholic drink?:: VODKAT!*!*!*! it rules
Animal?:: da masta dat is SIR SNICKLES!!!!!
Holiday?:: da summa holiday cz a go away n its long bt av gta luv crimbo it rocks
Season?:: autumn or autunm oweva its spelt lol
Sport?:: rugby jus coz its violent
Place to shop?:: jd
Clothing brand?:: fred perry or McKenzie
Scent?:: lacoste inspiration
Restaurant?:: it wud av bn whetherspoons jus cz da brilliant n wonderful kezza wrked dr bt nt no mre so as ta b Mccy D's
Fruit?:: melon or pomegranite
Vegetable?:: sweet potato wen its mde inta chips mmmmmmmmmmm
Fast food restaurant?:: Mccy D's mm its sooo nce n plus ya get a free toy lol
Pizza topping?:: chicken n peppers/onions
Ice cream flavor?:: rasperry ripple
Magazine?:: wteva da kezza as at er ouse cz dr da onli ens a read
City?:: manchester cz its gt a massive jd
Color?:: sky blue
Number?:: 4
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: vanillla
Pepsi or coke?:: coke every time as lng as its diet tho lol
Hot or cold?:: cold
Black or white?:: white
Dog or cat?:: dog cz of TY bt a luv stix xxxkissesxxx
French toast or pancakes?:: pancakes asda's own r mint lol
French fries or onion rings?:: french fries??? dr fookin chips ya nobs lol
Hamburger or hot dog?:: cheeseburger beats em bth so get dwn lol
Pepperoni or sausage?:: a onli lyk pepperoni on pizza bt errr sausage skins mde frm da intestine erghhhhh but dunt stop me lykin em lol
Britney or Christina?:: awww soz kooki its gta b christina cz a dnt reali lyk britney awww bumma lol
McDonalds or Burger King?:: McDonalds every tme neva bn ta burga king n neva wil ad neva betray ya mccy d's dnt worri am loyal
50 Cent or Eminem?:: a cnt choose its 2 ard dnt mek me cry sob sob
Canada or Mexico?:: probs mexico jus cz a lyk sayin it meh-hico lol yea dude lol
Hug or kiss?:: hug bt a lyk kisses nal
Movies or TV?:: movies specially wen dr free y oh y cnt dy start up agen
Truth or dare?:: dare cz a alwayz alwayz lie a cnt elp it its instinct
Do you...
Shower daily?:: yep sumtmes 2wice oo am soo clean lol
Sing in the shower?:: mst of da time bt sumtmes a jus fall asleep
Like to sing?:: yea bt av gta turn da music up reali loud so a cnt hear ma sen am dt bad lol am doin it rite nw lalala
Like to dance?:: yea
Smoke?:: noooo wud a dare lol a do sumtmes wen am pissd bt am stoppin frm rite nw
Drink?:: yea a luv da stuff mmmmmmmmmm
Cuss?:: a duno wt it means?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Talk to yourself?:: yea al da tym n nt onli in ma hed its normally owt loud lol fweaky
Believe in yourself?:: naaaaa a alwayz fink am shit at stuff
Play an instrument?:: a bit of keyboard lol bt a wna play drums
Go to school?:: nope fank da lordy lord
Go to college?:: yea
Have a job?:: nt yt bt a wnt 1 b4 crimbo cz a need money!!!
Like your job?:: if a wrked at boots n it paid wel a wud
Want to get married?:: sumday in da very very l8 future
Want to have kids?:: yea sumtme bt a wnt b able ta stand em wen dy gt ta bowt 3
Get along with your parents?:: sumtyms nt often
Get along with your siblings?:: yea normally we gang up 2geva wen da ova 1ns in trouble awwww sibliny luv
Drive?:: a cn bt am nt old enuff yt
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: noooooo actually it jus depends on who is trustin me wiv stuff
Think your funny?:: yea a alwayz laff at ma sen bt no1 else finks a am prt frm a mek kezz chuckle
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: wt a waste of toilet paper ya myt as wel paper da person it saves mre
Gone garbage can tipping?:: nope am nt a naughty girl lol
What are your parents names?:: Mummy n Daddy lol na Annie n Tony
Siblings names?:: Karl bt we call im Charlie
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: yep everytme av ad a piddle
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: 2wice
Collect anything?:: yea if appy meal toys count lol na a throw em away afta bowt a week
Ever been in love?:: yea bt in a lil kid way
In love right now?:: nope
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: grey calvin klein boxers girls ens tho
How does your hair look?:: quite gd cz a put loadza gel n spray on it earlier
Ever had your heartbroken?:: nope
Ever broken the law?:: probs
Been arrested?:: nope
Been out of the country?:: yea
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: yea am wel talented
When was the last time you got drunk?:: lst wkend
Do you do drugs?:: nope onli da hyper drug smarties lol
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: duno bt used 2 av fun wit GLOY da gd stuff frm skool lol o da days kez
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: off
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: yea av gt it al plannd wen me n kez mek our 1st million wen our show cums owt
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: yea luv it until ya do a lil trickle
Ever had a bloody nose?:: yea it mkes ya mouth taste all horribubble
Have you ever caught a fish?:: yea wel proud
What was the last thing you ate?:: cold kidney beans n beans wt prawns
What time do you go to bed?:: norm bowt 11 bt a dnt normally go at all at da wkends tut tut lol
What's your favorite color?:: sky blue
Do you like to give or recieve?:: recieve derrr its mint n it dunt cost u owt
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS a fink its mint bt a dnt av sky so dnt get ta feed ma addiction very often
Do you live alone?:: nope it'd b mint if a did tho PARTY!!!!!!
Do you own a blender?:: yeassss (lyk a say it n nt ur shitty way kez lol)
Do you like the snow?:: luv it
Ever been up a mountain?:: a fink so on da coach ta italy bt a wz probs asleep! am guna climb 1 1day cz am kwl lyk dt
Ever been rootin'?:: a duno wt rootin means a feel sooo stoopid sniff sniff
Do you like surprises?:: yep luv em if dr gd ens nt da scary kind tho a poop ma panties
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cnt beat bit of lazy town naaaa erm a lyk rap, hip/hop, dance n R'n'B n aslo bit of ova stuff lyk da kooks a lyk dm n sum ova stuff bt a dnt lyk ta admit it. n al da music frm da fit pl dwn at da bottom of da pge GO ON lads av a luk ya no ya wna ya lil bummers
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ooooooo a lyk loadza films its ard ta say lyk comedies n a lyk violent n action films nal 50cents film wz mint a lyked it n a lyk snatch nal wt brad pitt as a pikey lyk ma lil kezza muhahaha onli yokin wit ya. n fukin coach carter nal coz of da sex god lyle n es fukin mine ya slag u cn jus av ty crane ooooo ty crane lol
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SCRUBS SCRUBS SCRUBS btw a lyk scrubs cz its mint n it mkes me chuckle hahahaha n a also c a lickle iccle bt yea wteva a lot of ma sen in dr cox cz a fink were a bit connected but me n ma bruv used ta luv da teenage mutant ninja turtles
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duz it luk lyk a read a dnt av enuf tym afta bullyin da unprivilaged n pl a jus dnt lyk ninja guineapig attack
da brilliant n tallented KOOKI MCDREW who is 1 of or even de best actresses of our tym i wud lyk ta use dis lil sectiony fing ta promote er wrk n er brill set of double D's (dt she gt in ICT) get er a gr8 contract dt we bth cn b in as our lil film (u know wt a mean)