BLEMI Productions is a open minded and versitile production movement. We specialize in a wide range of music genre. You tell us, we provide! BLEMI Productions is not afraid to take chances. We experiment with all types of sounds. BLEMI Productions was influenced by everyone who's in the music biz. EVERYONE! BLEMI Productions trademark is Snares, Drums and Hihats. BLEMI Productions is in association with ATTUNEMENT ENT. as well as my home TRACK THERAPY Records (JAY ALKATRAZ, T-CHAMP AND BLEMI). BLEMI Productions is also in the process of developing a non-profit organization named TKYFA (The Kids You Forgot About) which will reach to the young children who always get put down, low self-esteem, slow learner etc. We want to show them they can make it even if they fail, for 1 failure is a number behind 2 which means a second chance. Thank You for visiting my page.
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