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About Me

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I'm a stay at home mom of four kids. Two step kids 12 yrs old and 14 yrs old, which I love to death, I love you Donald and December! Plus two I pushed out myself, Joshua 3 1/2 yrs old and Kayley 1 1/2 yrs old. My daughter was born with a rare skin disease called (Ichthyosis, Erythrokeratoderma Variablis) Yea, it's a long name. Gotta love those medical terms. It's hard because she suffers and I see it everyday. This could be a test of my faith or maybe Satan's work. It could be alot of things, but I will endure this. My daughter will be a stronger person because of it. I'm not going to let Satan emotionally beat me down. I'm not going to let him win. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. This is one of my many trials and tribulation. We will all have trials and tribulations in our life here on Earth. Some will have worse than others, but we have to endure them. We must have faith, hope, and love. Job, over came his trial and tribulation. We can find our strength with God.

My Interests

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My interests are in God/Jesus Christ, my family, helping those less fortunate, spreading the word of God, helping the poor,ext.ext.ext.

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.. width="425" height="350" ..Passion of the Christ, Left Behind, J.I Jane, Click, and a bunch more I just can't think of....


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The 700 Club/CBN-(With Pat Robertson), The News, Sponge Bob.


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Jesus Revelations

Add to My Profile | More VideosMy mother, for raising me in Christ. She has given me the greatest gift in the world. God, for simply existing and creating us, loving us so much he sent his son to teach us and used him as a living example for us. Jesus, who gave up his life to save the souls of man kind. Amen to that I tell you!