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DJ Vicious


About Me

And This Is How The Story Goes....."It Is What It Is" Yo right now know I just grinding doing what I have to do to get where I want to be in life. I'm focusing in on my talents and using them as resources. Ever since a little kid there have been certain things that have been just good at now that I am a little older I'm starting to take those things more seriously. I mean I'm 22 there are obviously some talents that needed to be developed during my youth in order for me to have sucess now but I've decided to let those go and focus on the one that are never to late to develop....... The birth of DJ Vicious.......At age of 13 I was introduced to reggae music by my older cousin. He was a insipring DJ at the time and his practice time happen to be every saturday morning at 10am. Eventually I decide since sleeping till 12pm on saturday wasnt an option I might as well get a first hand look, so every saturday I would join and just watch him spin tunes. I watched him juggle tunes from the JOYRIDE riddim to the BEST riddim all the way Through the AFRICAN BEAT riddim. Pretty soon I became so in love with the sound I used to beat him to the basement just so I could set everything up and all he would have to do is play. After watching my cousin Papa D and his sound crew FIRST LOVE mash up dancehall parties I began to start my own bashments by myself late at night when my cousin wasnt home. One Saturday morning I built up the courage to not only set up but to start play I blended like a natural my cousin was so impressed he began to let me come to parties with him and watch him do his thing. He used to take me every weekend to where ever he would be having a session with his crew and let me join in. The following year however, I went to High school I lost my passion for music and deveolped the love for basketball. For the next six year that's all I did with my life until I broke my ankle. after a year of recovery I desided not to return to the game because my ankle would never be ass strong as it once was so I began exploring other things. I had been focused so much on basketball I didn't realize that everyone around me had a foot in the music industry. One day I decided to buy a pair of turntables I dug up all my cousin all records and begin to for the first time really focus on this ability that I've for so long kept on the back burner, but now I'm bring it to the front line on the musical army that has been growing around me for so long. I hope the world is ready cause we be contiuned...........

My Interests


Member Since: 9/9/2006
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None