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Tell us about yourself.
Basic Stuff
Name: LaLa (...longstory)
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Home Town: Dirrrty Sowf, London, UK
Current Location: London,England
Height: Taller dan most
Hair Colour: Brown n ..blonde..
Build: Nice
Personal Stuff
Are you dating?
Your longest relationship? depends how you define relationship
Your shortest relationship? no comment,lol
Do you believe in love? yeah
Have you ever been in love? if love is not wanting to be without someone and feeling like youd do anything for them then yeh
Love is...... conditional (contrary to popular belief)
Professional Stuff
Occupation? livin up dat student life!
Best Job? Karen Millen (jus retail but it was cool)
Worst Job? none have been that bad
Ideal job? Teaching. In an inner city school with some bad ass kids.
Have you ever been fired? lol yeah
Have you ever quit? BARE times lol
Your ideal job.... havent i answerd this already???
Sex stuff
How old were you ..the first time.. 17
Where is your spot? Anyone thats had the privalledge of touching me will know.
Touching or being touched Touchin
Kissing or hugging huggin (but i love to kiss)
Do your parents still think your a virgin? LOL i doubt it
Have you ever cheated? nope-its TRUE!
...if yes did you admit it? (i would if i did)
Other stuff
Your best characteristic is... my bipolar personality
Your worst characteristic is... my bipolar personality
Your best physical feature is... dats a matter of opinion i guess
Your worst physical feature is... my size nine feet!(for da benefit of you yanks, dat..ll be an ELEVEN!) hahah
Something about you people would be surprised to know is... i speak four languages....VAYA LA POLIGLOTA! Brrraaap! lol
Your boy/girlfriend must be.... Loyal, Honest, ambitous, family orientated, patient, funny
Your boy/girlfriend must NOT be... WOTLESS,possesive,jealous,insecure,needy
You feel most upset when... i dont get what i want
You feel happiest when... im eating,lol
You feel sexiest when... im dancing salsa (anyone dats seen me will understand) ;)
In a relationship your number 1 deal breaker is... cheating
Love or money? love (but we cant be broke!lol)
Favourite place: Cuba. (or my bed,LOL)
Favourite person: my brother
With three wishes what would you wish for? longterm health,wealth and happiness
If stranded on a desert island what three things would you take with you? my bro, his ipod n some food
Most cherished memory? Theres too many. Probly school days with my girls, or time in Cuba
The memory youd most like to forget? cant remember,lol
Who is your hero? depends. historically too many to grandma
How many children do you want to have? ideally 5, realistically 3
Do you want to get married? i used to always say no, but my thought process has switched up nowadays so id have to say yes
The last time you laughed? about ten minutes ago lookin at pics of me n my friends
The last time you cried? when Dezert n V turned up from nowhere at da airport when i was leavin London
If you could change one thing in the world what would it be? hhmmm, i dunno.ONE thing.i guess id make it that there was no more poverty
Life is...? not a dress only get one take, so....ACTION!
Any regrets? nah.evrything ive done good or bad has gottn me where i am, an im not doin too bad.
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Anyone really.Postive, constructive individuals. people i can learn from and/or others willing to learn, we dont do ignorance out ere!!Not promotin no stupidness either so if your intelectually challenged and thinkin of hollerin at me, heres an idea...Dont! REQUESTS ONLY ACCEPTED WITH MESSAGES!!
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Huey and Riley!!
Currently reading, The Black Jacobins.
As i said to many to mention but....