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Learn how to be happy with what you have, while you pursue all that you want

About Me

My name is Patty, 19 born & raised in Miami and love it. Yes, the typical Miami chick with the tanning, pampering, the attitude minus the hoe tentencis. I'm half Colombian & Cuban, proud of it too. At the moment I'm working yes I do bust my ass not like some of these girls and hope to start school soon. I have lots of dreams and aspirations for the future yes sir.DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE LOOK lol! But i hope to one day become a police officer or have a small little internet business running which I rather keep on the low for now. As far as who I am... I guess you can say I'm a "special" girl. I have a great attitude about most things, I'm straight foward and honest and give respect when it's deserved. I NO longer take shit from men yea...yea I know some of you internet losers must of heard lots of stories but anyways I'm NOT a bitch at all though I might come off like that I guess you can just say I'm a strong person and come off very quite and sweet but don't let the smile fool you. As far as m pics please do not take offense to them or whatever cause I know how people are sometimes but I rather just turn down the volume on all your whispers and comments. In the past I have done several shoots with RBN ent. but I guess you can say I have really slowed down with that life. But am always open to all that. ALSO... I am not here on myspace to holla at you or be your internet girlfriend PLEASE OK! lol I am only here to get in contact again with old friends and lost faces. Go ahead and message me if you have anything else you would like to kow but umm yes please keep it respectful cause I dont snap back ;)

My Interests

miami, dining, traveling, working out, diamonds, accesories, my new jag :), cats, vanilla candles, music, myspace lol, tattoos, learning, poetry, the beach, tanning, house music, cuban men, Space, friends, dressing up, music, going out, brasilian men, photography, my friends, blue drinks, black and white photography, rbn, shopping, reading , modeling, colombia, bondage, working, etc and etc.

I'd like to meet:


I listen to everything; Alicia Keys, Pussy Cat Dolls, Diddy, D'Angelo, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Nirvana, D4L, Erika Badu, Remy Martin, India Irie, Fat Joe, Jim Jones, the listen can go on forever and lately alot of trance and house.


Fight Club, Gone with the Wind, Bad Boys, Hocus Pocus lol, Rush Hour 1 & 2, Cocaine Cowboys, Hey Arnold Movie lol, Saw 1 & 2, Spun, Seriously I have seen way too many movies to name all the ones I love.
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LOTS of TV! Love it but I really don'thave too much time to watch TV. But lots of cartoons and lots of music videos.


My mother hands down for taking all the shit from me she has in the past.

My Blog

something for the ladies...and the stupid men who fall for our shit

I'm sitting here thinking.... Thinking of all the shit I have done to men in the past and present. The shit my friends have done to men, etc, etc. Anyhoo I came up with the conclusion. We bitch and wh...
Posted by patty♥dukes on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 02:18:00 PST