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King David Cason III- The FellowshipOf Psalmist & Minstrels

About Me

Hello my name is Minister King David Cason III, ...greetings from Ninety-Six a little town about 10 miles from Greenwood SC, also known as "the Emerald City " the little big city in the upsate. I am a minister at Prayer And Faith Ministries COGIC in Greenwood ...I'm married to the lovely Barbara who truly has my heart and she makes me laugh...we have three sons who are great kids. ( D'Shun, Tre' and Stephan ) I'm also a grand papi now ...blessed with two grandsons, Jeremiah and Isaiah.The church is the caretaker of truth and revelation, as a psalmist I have surrendered my time, talents and treasures in the service of the Lord for the purpose of edifying the Body of Christ and also as a facilitator for God's Levites in Greenwood.A psalmist is not just a singer he must have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings and purpose of His heart....( I Corinthians 2:16_) I f you would like us to come to your church for a praise service, concert or for our praise and worship workshop ... please contact for bookings E68 Artist Group 864-554-8751 leave message...if know one answersI purpose in my heart to love God and if I love Him I will obey His commands...I will love others and show them by my actions.MY WHOLE MIND, BODY ,AND SPIRIT IS COMMITTED TO THE LORD FRIEND REQUEST GUIDELINES 1. All friend requests must have a profile picture. 2. Any friend requests submitted by users with blocked profiles may be denied. 3. Any friend requests whose profiles contain material of an obscene, inappropriate or objectionable nature will be denied.

My Interests

Music, writing, and inspiring my friends and family to seek the Lord, so we can recieve all the rewards and promises that God said are OURS

I'd like to meet:

Other psalmist and minstrels who are interested in inspiring others to go after God...and teach others to live lives that reflect Christ. Richard Smallwood, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price, Bishop Paul S Morton,Joel Osteen,Pastor Hez Walker, PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE!


Byron Cage,Elder William Murphy, Rodney Posey, Vashawn Mitchell,Judith McAllister,Martha Munizzi,KC Sheard,Timothy Wright,Thomas Whitfield ( gone be we will remember),Sammy Young & Rated Righteous


The Matrix,Waterproof,Left Behind, KILL BILL! 1&2, APOCOLYPTO, The LAst KIng Of Scotland, A Bronx Tale, The STAND


TBN (PraiSE The Lord),INSP ( Frederick KC Price, CATS,THe Way Of The Master,John Hagee),Rescue Me,KillPoint,LAW & Order, Intervention, C-SPAN,FOOD NETWORK (Bobby Flay, The Bareoot Contessa, IRON CHEF)


The Word Of GOD, The Davidic Generation by David Swan, Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz. currently reading "The Purposed Driven Life by Rick Warren...


All those who reached out to help their fellowman during 911 and hurricane Katrina, Bishop GE Patterson, Maestro Thomas Whitfield, Bishop Johnnie H. Johnson and Mother Willie Mae Rivers.

My Blog


AUGUST ALIVE YOUTH WEEKEND @Prayer & Faith Ministries COGIC 'Creating pathways into His presence' Hodges Community Back-2-School Rally AUGUST 30TH Beginning @ 8:00AM with a Yard Sale, Health Fai...
Posted by King on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 03:24:00 PST

A God Defining Moment

 About four years ago I was attending the Gospel Heritage Praise and Worship Conference in Atlanta, and in one of the  many training sessions, Stephen Hurd spoke about something that was pre...
Posted by King on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 04:19:00 PST

Staying In God’s Will

There was  times when I was waiting for God’s "go-ahead" in a certain matter and became somewhat impatient an tried to move things along, and was really messing things up...then one Sunday ...
Posted by King on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 03:35:00 PST


WORSHIP CRUTCHES (John 4:23) What would happen if your pastor started the worship service by saying to everyone, "Are you ready to worship?" and the congregation promptly responded, "Yes!" What if he...
Posted by King on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 03:56:00 PST

A Savior is Born!

A Savior is Born! Luke Chapter 2 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon th...
Posted by King on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 08:25:00 PST

Subject: The Strong Black man Is Dead??? Pt. 1

The Strong Black man Is Dead??? Pt. 1 I was a work one day and I happened to heard a few sisters talking about the demise of the strong black brother in the 21st century, one even summed us all up a...
Posted by King on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 08:02:00 PST

Check out this video: Highest Praise

Check out this video: Highest Praise Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by King on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 01:46:00 PST

what spiritual truth would YOU stakeYOUR ministry on defending ?

If you think about it. that is a huge question to answer, because you have to examine your purpose as a minister and why you operate in your particular area of as a praise and worship l...
Posted by King on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 03:31:00 PST

Worship or Performance

Playing music for people is not necessarily worship, just as the act of singing songs is not automatically worship  more like Karaoke  despite the large screens at the front of some churches. As we ...
Posted by King on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 07:41:00 PST


Some songs are written and sung about God and others are written to God. When we focus our actions and attitudes horizontally, we are worshiping indirectly. But when we direct our full attention upwar...
Posted by King on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 07:38:00 PST