Other psalmist and minstrels who are interested in inspiring others to go after God...and teach others to live lives that reflect Christ. Richard Smallwood, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price, Bishop Paul S Morton,Joel Osteen,Pastor Hez Walker, PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE!
Byron Cage,Elder William Murphy, Rodney Posey, Vashawn Mitchell,Judith McAllister,Martha Munizzi,KC Sheard,Timothy Wright,Thomas Whitfield ( gone be we will remember),Sammy Young & Rated Righteous
The Matrix,Waterproof,Left Behind, KILL BILL! 1&2, APOCOLYPTO, The LAst KIng Of Scotland, A Bronx Tale, The STAND
TBN (PraiSE The Lord),INSP ( Frederick KC Price, CATS,THe Way Of The Master,John Hagee),Rescue Me,KillPoint,LAW & Order, Intervention, C-SPAN,FOOD NETWORK (Bobby Flay, The Bareoot Contessa, IRON CHEF)
The Word Of GOD, The Davidic Generation by David Swan, Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz. currently reading "The Purposed Driven Life by Rick Warren...
All those who reached out to help their fellowman during 911 and hurricane Katrina, Bishop GE Patterson, Maestro Thomas Whitfield, Bishop Johnnie H. Johnson and Mother Willie Mae Rivers.