stealth librarian profile picture

stealth librarian

I am here for Friends

About Me

"Librarians are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man." --Michael Moore, Buzz Flash Interviews, March 13, 2002
You Are 68% NYC
You are probably a real New Yorker, though there's a good chance you really live on Long Island. How NYC Are You?

You're Ulysses!
by James Joyce
Most people are convinced that you don't make any sense, but compared to what else you could say, what you're saying now makes tons of sense. What people do understand about you is your vulgarity, which has convinced people that you are at once brilliant and repugnant. Meanwhile you are content to wander around aimlessly, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. What you see is vast, almost limitless, and brings you additional fame. When no one is looking, you dream of being a Greek folk hero.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid .

well, the other day during a new student orientation at work a student made the comment that I reminded her of Phoebe, only smarter. My director said later that I gave her The Look. I thought I was very nice, considering.

My Interests

mmmm...ahhh...errr...I know I must be interested in SOMEthing. Oh, yeah. Books. :D Some people think, there must be more to life than books, right? Nah. well, and some good sushi, piesporter, and a pack of Marlboro smooths. But that's it.

I'd like to meet:

some nice person who will do my medieval latin for me. dot?? you busy?? aw, fuck. okay. someone? anyone? (bueller?)


just bought the best of the Bee Gees. No shit. Hey, I liked Saturday Night Fever. My folks had it on 8 track. (Still do, actually.)


i've been meaning to see atonement. the book wasn't bad. and, they're making time traveler's wife into a movie. don't even get me started. eric bana as henry detamble?!?! man.


why do the brits have the best tv series? i ask you. it's worth moving there just for the damn television. and i don't even LIKE tv. darn it.


you know, it's so wonderful that this section is still in here, i.e., that myspace is asking what people's favorite books are. at the risk of jinxing myself, i have yet to see someone's profile on here without items being entered for the 'books' area. that's awesome. warms the cockles of my heart. *sniff* gives me a bit of faith in humanity. now, if only people would quit thinking the google library project was so wonderful... yeah, i know. that's like saying i'm going to move to canada. not going to happen. *shrug*


what's that? you mean the television show? haven't seen it.

My Blog

and now for something completely different...Visual Intoxication

if you get a chance check out the website  i have been interacting with this site for a couple of years now, and it has evolved in different ways.  i liked one of the opti...
Posted by stealth librarian on Thu, 17 May 2007 05:06:00 PST


i am super happy.  i just felt the need to say that.  ben bought me a pocket ninja for valentine's day. it's true love.  
Posted by stealth librarian on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 04:29:00 PST

google and libraries! ack! i have no idea if this is going to work or not, i.e., if the link will go through.  but if it does, then one will get to read about me attempting to be unbiased...
Posted by stealth librarian on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 01:28:00 PST