Long walks with my lovley llama. Teaching my llama karate, than kicking its ass at something that I taught it. Holding my llamas hand while he or she cries during beaches. Teaching my llama how to count change.
Llamas with pockets to carry my change.
Yes. Music good.
.. Movies, man this list could go on for a while.Troy, X-men 1 & 2, Spiderman 1 & 2, Batman 1, Every Kevin Smith movie, Every Tim Burton movie, Fight Club, Platoon, Sin City, The Last Samurai, Cinderlla Man, 28 Days later, Napoleon Dynamite, Seven,Troy, AND FORGET IT I LOVE MOVIES ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I love every cartoon in the world. Exceptt that one that is on Adult Swim that is about a man trapped in a child's body and he solves crimes, yea it sucks. But nothing beats the classic Looney Toons. Oh and I love to watch sports and Real TV, and oh oh oh yea I almost forgot I love watching Beyond Belief GREAT SHOW.
I like books. Books make me smrt. I Like reeding. Wheeee! Thanks a lot Kanani for f*ing up this section...
My heroes:Spiderman, Wolveriene, Frodo, Dare Devil, The Hulk, Pee Wee, Richard Greeko, Gambit, Storm, Rouge, Nightcrawler, Michael Jordan, Bruce Lee, Stan Lee, Every person invloved in the creation of comic books, My mother, God.