Fugue State profile picture

Fugue State

pack a lunch

About Me

Fugue State is basically retarded. Theres been a total of approximately 20 band members over the two years that the band has been in existence. I dont think i spelled approximately right. As of now there are two people in the band. The lead singer and only guitar player is Jesse. Thats me. Im 5-11 and weigh 150 pounds, I have brown hair, brown eyes, and am height-weight proportionate. Due to the excessive number of band members I've had over the past couple years one could make the assumption that I am hard to deal with. Rob plays drums. He is a super cool motherfucker, and plays drums like a bastard. There couldnt be a better drummer for the band, it needed a swift kick in the ass and he came through, and then some. He is height-weight proportionate from what i can tell. He's not here now but i figured I'd update this bio cause it needed serious work. I'm sure he'll update this soon, i forgot to give him the password. Alright, thats the new updated bio from Fugue State, i hope it was informative and entertained you while you visited our site, cause if youre here you are seriously bored. Thanks and dont drink too muchpolice satellite

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Member Since: 3/7/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Jesse - (Guitar and Vocals) Rob- (Drums) George- (we cant find him but he plays bass)
Influences: The one and only O.D.B., The Breeders, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Jesse Hates Jazz, Willie Nelson, Whoever wrote 99 red balloons, the Go-Go's, Tony Clifton, Eminem, Nirvana, Local H, GG Allin, Hank Williams, Bob Dylan, The Four Tops, Too Short, Eazy E, The Geto Boys, Slayer, Elton John, Fugazi, Guns and Roses, Liz Phair, Michelle, Black Flag, Snoop Dog, Tori Amos, Metallica, Bob Seger, Bruce Springsteen, the Distillers, Sleater Kinney, Belinda Carlisle, George Carlin, Will Rowe, Dan Bern, Ed Hamel, Tom Brock, Jewel, The Big Muff Pedal and Shitty Guitars, Dayton Ohio, Camels, the Vines, Joan Jett, and Dina Cook the best friend anyone could have. -Jesse George'll fill his in later hes not here.
Sounds Like: a low form of entertainment
Type of Label: None

My Blog

i should have went out, this sucks

You.Can.Only.Type.One.Word.Not as easy as you might think.1. Where is your cell phone ? here2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?single3. Your hair?afroed4. Work?na5. Your father?good6. Your favorite thing?bi...
Posted by Fugue State on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 08:59:00 PST

im having trouble coming up with subjects

1. What serial killer do you find most disturbing? i dont know too much about them2. Who knows a secret or two about you? i put things out in the open mostly3. Four words to explain why you last threw...
Posted by Fugue State on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 08:46:00 PST

i need a nap

..> The Best Myspace Survey * . . About You . . * Eye Color:: Brown Hair Color:: brown Height:: 5-11 Favorite Color:: dont have one Screen Name:: dont have one Favorite Band:: local h right n...
Posted by Fugue State on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 06:48:00 PST


1) Single, Taken, or Crushing?i dont know2) Are you happy with where you are?yes3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?thats never happened4) Have you ever had your heart broken? yes5) Do...
Posted by Fugue State on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 06:14:00 PST


Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?A. oil and vinegarQ. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?A. taco bell, ive been broke lately, been eating pasta and potatoesQ. What is your favorite sit...
Posted by Fugue State on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 05:52:00 PST


1. Where is your sister right now?i dont know2. Last place you kissed someone?lips3. Name five things you did today:sold mortgages. played ghouls and ghosts. drank. smoked. hung out with dee4. Last pe...
Posted by Fugue State on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 12:27:00 PST

im drunk

1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with?most of the women2. Is sex best in the morning, afternoon, or night?morning, hands down.  and drunk at night (close...
Posted by Fugue State on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 11:58:00 PST

Heres another drunken survey

1. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?cloves2. what kind of deodorant do you use?my roommates crap3. what does your last text message say?bite me4. the last song you listened to?too shor...
Posted by Fugue State on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 01:48:00 PST

Hi everyone

Hi, its jesse from fugue state, we are going to record some new songs. about fucking time huh?
Posted by Fugue State on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 07:20:00 PST

Another survey..

1. What is your middle name?stephen2. How big is your room?small3. What are you listening to right now? a lamp buzzing4. What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?77685. What was the last thing ...
Posted by Fugue State on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 04:20:00 PST