MЯ. HeaЯtless profile picture

MЯ. HeaЯtless

My Life Is Such A Waste I'm Ugly Please Just Go Away.

About Me

My name is George Marquez J.r.I'm a basic dude who likes to rock out,go to kick ass concerts,join mosh-pits,kick some ass.Umm...shit..I just farted.I'm in a relationship with my girl friend Roxana.I love her so much.I don't fuck with you unless you fuck with me.Umm...I play guitar I have a KH 202.I'm all about rockin out.FUCK RAP AND ALL THAT OTHER SHIT!!!!!

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Metallica

My Interests

Music,Games,t.v,Breaking Shit,Moshing. .. width="425" height="350" ......START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Prologue- In the beginning
Whats your name?: George
Whats your nicknames?: umm..Heartless.
Where were you born?: Houston
What's your birthday?: why do you give a fuck
When were you born?: umm...Houston
Were you a planned baby?: nope
Were you named after anyone?: my dad
Chapter 1- The Family
Only child or Siblings?: 1 sister
Are you and your family close?: fuck no
whats your relationship with your mom?: ok
whats your relationship with your dad?: crappy
Do you live with your parents?: yes and it's hell
Do you consider your families opinons about your life important?: hell no
Chapter 2- Friends
Who is your best friend?: Walter
What sorts of things do you and your friends have in common?: why do you care
Do you trust easily?: nope
Would you rather have a lot of friends or one close friend?: maybe 3
What is your favorite memory with your best friend?: Family values 2006
Who has been your friend the longest?: i don't know
Who has been your friend the least amount of time?: adam
Is there anyone you lost touch with that you wish you hadnt?: nope
Chapter 3- The Self
Name your best trait physically:: idk
Name your best personality trait:: music
Name the one thing you wish you could change about yourself:: none
Name one thing about yourself that you wouldnt change no matter what:: nothin
In general, what do you think of yourself?: insane
In general, what do you think other people think of you?: i don't give a fuck what they think
Are other people's opinions about you important?: fuck no
Whats your favorite color?: black
Whats your favorite drink?: blood
Whats your favorite food?: non
Whats your favorite song?: The heretic anthem
Whats your favorite TV Show?: non
Whats your favorite movie?: porno
What is your biggest dream in life?: playing music
Do you think you'll ever make that dream come true?: yeah
What are 2 goals you have about life?: music,and music
Do you ever think about the future?: no
Do you have any regrets about the past?: nope
What was the last thing you bought?: chain walet (yesterday)
What was the last thing you drank?: coke
What was the last thing you ate?: burger
Who was the last person you talked to?: my girlfriend roxana
What was the last thing you said?: Love you bye
When was the last time you cried?: wheni was born
Why did you cry?: I was born fuckin dumbass
Whats the best memory you have?: My first rock concert....KORN!!!
Whats the worst memory you have?: taking this quiz
Do you dream?: sorta
Do you believe dreams hold significance?: not realy
Do you get easily depressed?: no
Are you easily amused?: no
Are you a social person, or a shy person?: I'm not shy,but I hate being social
If the world ended tomorrow, what would you do today?: finaly i die
What makes you laugh?: someone dying
Chapter 4- Love and Relationships
Single or Taken?: taken and loving it
Do you believe in love at first sight?: nope
Do you believe people should be friends before they date?: no
What do you look for in a person?: personalty
Are looks important?: nope
Was your first kiss a good experience or a bad one?: no
Do you like someone right now?: i love my girlfrend
If so, who?: Roxana
Should the guy always make the first mover?: i don't know
If your parents didnt approve, would you marry someone anyway?: hey!lets not go there,but yeah
Would you die for love?: idk
What's the most romantice moment in your life so far?: sex
Do you want to get married?: maybe
Have you ever planned out your wedding?: no
Is chivilary dead?: i don't care
Are men really from Mars and woman really from Venus?: no you fuckin dubass
Chapter 5- Random things
Thoughts on God?: ok
Thoughts ..ion?: fuck that
Thoughts on politics?: fuck it
Thoughts on Death penalty?: kool
Thoughts on pre-marital sex?: kool
Are you religious?: not realy
Are you philosophical?: no
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?: it's a cycle
Do you write on your hand?: no
Call people back?: yeah
Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?: no
What are your bad habits?: none
In 5 years you'll be....: don't care
In 10 years you'll be....: don't care you dick
The one thing you have to do before you die?: i don't know
Whats the last thought you think before bed?: none
Would you rather live until your 99, but have a boring life....: no i raderdie
or live until you're 30 and have an adventourous life?: yeah
If you could tell the world any piece of wisdom, what would it be?: Metal UP YOUR ASS!!!!!!!
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Which member of SLipKnoT are you?

Jim Root
your nice layed back and calculating....no one gives you much credit but you definently deserve it, you dont really care though....you love the guitar and your choice of music is anything that can help you become a better guitarist
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I'd like to meet:

People that like rock(punk,metal,classic,any type),Hate rap. Metallica, Korn , Stone Sour, Slipknot, System of a down , Green Day, Led Zeppelin, Motor Head,Nirvana,Blue October,Disturbed,Black Sabbath,Deftones,Jimi Hendrix,Ozzy Osbourne,Guns n' Roses,MegadethMudvayne,My Chemical Romance,Pink Floyd,Queen,Red Hot Chili Peppers,Seether,Shinedown,The Killers,10 years,WolfMother. ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
KoRn RulEs Kwiz
Whats ur fav
Album?: issues
Album cover?: SYOTOS
Song?: Got The Life
Instrument in the band?: Guitar
Band member?: Munky
Song on Self Titled?: Need To
Song on Life Is peachy?: Good God
Song on Follow The Leader?: My Gift To You
Song on ISSUES?: Let's Get This Party Started
Song on take a LooK in The Mirror?: Did My Time
Song on Untouchables?: Alone I Break
Song on SYOTOS?: Throw Me Away
Random ?s about KoRn
Do u own all the albums?: Fuck yea
Do u own all the korn merch?: some
Have u seen them live?: Fuck yes
Do u want to see them live?: Yea
How long have u been listening to them?: Since They Came Out
Do u think they are at the top of thier game?: Yea
What If?
You were chosen to spend a day with KoRn?: It would Kick ass
You found out u were related to one of them?: Kool
You could right a song for them?: I Don't Know
Got JDs mic?: I Don't Know
Got Munkys guitar?: FUCK YES!!
Got Fieldys bass?: KOOL
Got Davids Drum set?: Oh!SHIT
Head came back?: Hell Yea
They broke up?: No
How did u feel?
the first time u heard ARE YOU READY?: I was crazy
When Head left?: Sad
Your first KoRn KonceRt?: 2003
When they announced theyre going on tour again?: Hell Yea
what do u think of?
JD?: Fucking Kool
Munky?: Alsome
Head?: He's The Best
David?: He's Ok
Fieldy?: Funny
koRn?: The Best
SYOTOS?: Bad Ass
FTL?: Good
TALITM?: Kick Ass
More Random ?s
are u the biggest fan of them all?: Maybe
did u know JD wont sing "daddy"?: Nope
Do u have any emotions towards thier songs?: Yea
who can u relate to the most outt the band?: Munky,or Head
If u were part of KoRn what would u do?: Back up voicals
Did this bore u?: No
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Which member of KoRn are you?

You are Head, you are the lead guitarist.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com

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Metallica, Korn, Stone Sour, Slipknot, System of a down , Green Day, Led Zeppelin, Motor Head,Nirvana,Blue October,Disturbed,Black Sabbath,Deftones,Jimi Hendrix,Ozzy Osbourne,Guns n' Roses,MegadethMudvayne,My Chemical Romance,Pink Floyd,Queen,Red Hot Chili Peppers,Seether,Shinedown,The Killers,10 years,WolfMother... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" .... .. width="425" height="350" .... .. width="425" height="350" .... .. width="425" height="350" ......START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
do u like metallica: Fuck yes
r they ur favorite band: Fuck yea
favorite member: Kirk
why: Cuz i look up to him
cliff jason or robert: Cliff,or robert
why: idk
fav. song on kill em all: No remorse
fav. song on ride the lighting: ride the lighting
fav. song on master of puppets: orion
fav. song on and justice 4 all: one
fav. song on garage inc.: die,die my darling
fav. song on the black album: God that failed
fav.song ..: bleeding me
fav. song on REload: unforgiven 2
fav. song on st. anger: st. anger
fav. song of all: For whom the bell tolls
why: why the fuck you wanna know
fav. dvd: Live shit
do u have live shit binge & pinge: yes
do u have some kind of monster: yes
long hair or short hair: long
1 word 2 describe metallica: Kick ass
have u seen them live: no
which album is better 2 u: all
how many members have been in metallica: 7
name jason's band: I hate him
name 1 band that robert has been in: ozzy
which is better s&m or cunning stunts: Both
fav. video: king nothing
last ? do u think kirk is gay: Hell no
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Horror(FUNNY)Movies,Action movies,Sci-fi.


Wrestling(Raw,Smackdown,ECW,TNA),simpsons,southpark,Family guy.


I like to read,but I have no favorite book


Satan(Devil),Kirk Hammett,Mick Thomson ,Brian "Head" Welch,Munky,James Root.yoda,Anikan Skywalker,Dath Vader,
Which Metallica member are you?

Kirk Hammet
You're like Kirk Hammet! You've got really supple fingers!hehe;)
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