I LOVE YOU NOW WHAT? â„¢ profile picture


I LOVE YOU. NOW WHAT? Mabel Iamâ„¢ Bestselling author

About Me

Mabel Iam Mabel Iam is the author of award-winning self-help bestsellers on love, sex, psychology, angels and astrology sold throughout the world. Mabel is a psychotherapist, a romance therapist, and adviser and expert in relationships, as well as a successful hostess and producer for TV and radio shows.
Mabel Iam has made it to the Celebrity Authors List since the publication of the successful and renowned The Love Diet(R) in 2006, although she was already well-known since for her best seller book Sex and the Perfect Lover.
Sex and the Perfect Lover was sold throughout the world, including India and Malasya, and translated to over 10 different languages German, Turkish, English, Russian, Portuguese, French, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, etc. It has also been a publics favorite sine 2004 in Amazon.com and Barnes and Nobles.com, and especially recommended by these booksellers.
Her books have been widely acclaimed by the press both magazines and newspapers, as well as websites like Times, Glamour, Cosmopolitan Channel and magazine, Redbook Library Journal, Zinc, Aol.com, OceanDrive, The Seattle Times, Askmen.com, Críticas, Penthouse, Mira, Yahoo.com, Hoy Texas, Msm Latino, The Miami Herald, El Diario-La Prensa New York, Hotmail, Journal, Latina, Latina Style, Vivir Latina and press releases from other countries too.
In 2006 she granted The Literary international Award for Best Self help Book for her book Ser Angelical” The awards, was given on May 20, at The Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC, are presented in conjunction with the 2006 Book Expo America.
In October 2005, she reached a peak in her career when she successfully taught a seminar at the prestigious Sex Museum in New York City and participated in one of the best New York City radio shows, with over 2,000,000 listeners.
Her awards include the Latino Literary Award for Best Self help Book for Qué hay detrás de tu nombre, granted by Latino Literary Now organization at the 2003 Book Expo in Los Angeles, California. In 2004, Sex and the Perfect Lover and Sex and the Erotic lover were nominated as best non-fiction bilingual books at the Latino Book Award. Mabel also received, among other awards, the Mercosur Research Award in 1999.
Sought after by many people from all over the world, from Presidents to celebrities, Mabel used to have her own TV and radio shows through which she reached millions of hearts in Latin America from her home country, Argentina. Since 2002, she has also conquered millions of American hearts from the city of Miami, where she currently lives and helps thousands through alchemy, psychoastrology, Eastern Tao techniques, Tantra, and creative visualization, as well as angel invocation. Mabel is also an enthusiastic participant to international book fairs in the States.
Part of her quest for public well-being is her weekly presentation in Radio Caracol, in Miami. She also writes for New Yorks La Prensa and participates in Univisions Wake Up America and Telemundos Early in the Morning TV shows, pertaining to the main Hispanic networks in the US. She also participates in Telemundos Every Day show.
Through the application of different therapies, Mabel Iam has been an innovator on the whole continent, and is currently in a position to show her skills and spiritual mastery worldwide.
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"We are an instrument of love. The melody is drawn out of the instrument, and the sound goes out into the world, moving past our own perceptions. The orchestra plays the melody, with all of the musicians working together. They all play their instruments at the same time. The music that the entire orchestra makes sounds harmonious. But we cant separate out individual instruments as we listen. Love is the whole; its the orchestra, the music, the listener, the sound. It is the conductor, those who dance to it and everyone who enjoys it".
Mabel Iam
The Love Diet(R)
Best selling author Mabel Iam is making herself available to help people individually through personal consultations. The therapist, relationship expert, best-selling author (“The Love Diet®” and “Sex and the Perfect Lover®”), two time winner of the Latin Literary Award for self-help books has set aside time each week to privately counsel individuals and couples who desire to bring about lasting improvement in their lives and relationships.
““Healing does not require years of therapy. Remove the obstacles and your life will flow naturally and effortlessly.” commented Mabel.
Mabel is an expert in quickly resolving deep seated resistance to growth and at finding and removing obstacles to attaining what is truly desired, whether that be better relationships, better health, finances, career or spiritual self-awareness.
Mabel can work as effectively over the phone as she does in person so callers from other states and other countries are welcome and encouraged. Consultations sessions are available for both individuals and couples alike and the sessions can be in either English or Spanish.
To schedule and appointment please call 1-305-864-5310 (International callers 001-305-864-5310) or send an email to [email protected].
Please include your name and phone number as well as the country and time zone you are in and the best local time to call.
“I want to help as many people as I can to achieve their dreams and realize a fuller, happier, more prosperous life.” – Mabel Iam

My Interests

The only book that will reveal what happens after you have said "I love you"

Lets try to make happy 1000,000,000 friends by love and for love!!!

I'd like to meet:


The cosmos would sense a small empty space that no one else could fill.
No one except you.
Once you realize that you are this precious, brilliant, endlessly shining treasure, you will feel the immense love that moves in you and through you.
That is the true love that will let you draw the whole world into your embrace.
Mabel Iam

"When you allow yourself to be loved by love, you will find that it's such a subtle movement that even the air can't touch it. Water can't drown it. Fire can't ignite it. Love is an action, not just a feeling, love is life itself".
The Love Diet(R)

Mabel Iam.

"Receiving is the gift of giving. Giving is the gift of the soul. It is the same thing. It is opening the palm of your hand As you open your heart".
Mabel Iam

"You have opened me up to my deepest core.
Now no one can break my heart.
With the art of your lovemaking, my defenses have dropped.
You dissolved my fortress walls with your sweet tenderness.
Because of you, I feel like a real woman.
Your passionate whispers enveloped me.
Love me, as our bodies dance together.
I am yours, completely, unconditionally".
Mabel Iam
Sex and the Perfect Lover

You undressed my soul while I made love to you.
Nothing got in the way of showing you my whole self.
My milky thighs, my breasts of honey and roses,
My sighs and moans all through the night,
Where our love was so real.
My dangerous curves moved in the rhythm of our love.
I offered my whole being to you, without hesitation.
I don’t regret giving you my body and soul.
I only hope that you will always want me, just like the first time.
Mabel Iam
The Love Diet(R)

I HAVE OTHER MYSPACE ADRESS: http://www.myspace.com/mabeliam


My space music: all my friends..
Rolling Stones
Pink Floyd
Peter Gabriel
Soda Stereo
Rock and rock all
New Age
Bob Marley
Johny Cash
John Lennon
Herbert von Karajan
Bob Dylan
Our New Orleans: A Benefit Album for the Gulf Coast by Various Artists
Jim Morrison
Keith Richards


The Illusionist( Dont't miss this movie)
Wings of Desire by Bruno Ganz
City of Angels (W/Videos) by Nicolas Cage The Lover by Jane March

Winged Migration by Philippe Labro
Howards End - The Merchant Ivory Collection by Vanessa Redgrave


I Love you. Now What?: Falling in Love Is a Mystery, Keeping It Isn’t
By Mabel Iam
Release date: 08 January, 2008 ..

Sex and the Perfect Lover
Bestseller around the World

Beautiful Mind: The Life of Mathematical Genius and Nobel Laureate John Nash by Sylvia Nasar
Zen Talks by Shunryu Suzuki
The Ultimate Medicine : Dialogues with a Realized Master: a Message and Example that Can Awaken Us to Our Original Nature -- by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Robert Powell
The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living. by Dalai Lama
Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Vintage) by C.G. Jung The Undiscovered Self by C. G. Jung
Dreams by C. G. Jung
Sex and the Perfect Lover: Tao, Tantra, and the Kama Sutra by Mabel Iam
The Love Diet: Expert Techniques for Sensual Pleasure and Mind-blowing Sex by Mabel Iam
Sex and the Erotic Lover by Mabel Iam
"The only book that will reveal what happens after you have said "I love you"


My friends

My Blog


VIDEO Don't miss this wonderful video.Thanks BRIAN for your hot art!!!!   I Love You. Now What?: Falling in Love is a Mystery, Keeping It Isn't Love is a unique and fascinating pro...
Posted by I LOVE YOU NOW WHAT? " on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 09:37:00 PST

Mabel Iams Love quotes

 Love quotes for Valentines's dayHumor is the closest feeling to love, because it allows for many different levels of communication.It always starts with a smile.Afterwards, the soul sees the bea...
Posted by I LOVE YOU NOW WHAT? " on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 04:19:00 PST

Everybody wants love

    I Love You. Now What?: Falling in Love is a Mystery, Keeping It Isn't   All types of love  physical or sentimental  even if it's just the detached tenderness of someo...
Posted by I LOVE YOU NOW WHAT? " on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 04:01:00 PST

Choose Happiness

Choose Happiness     I Love You. Now What?: Falling in Love is a Mystery, Keeping It Isn't  Human beings often attempt to compensate for their flaws, lack of self-love or ins...
Posted by I LOVE YOU NOW WHAT? " on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 08:29:00 PST

Sexy Halloween: Mystery, fire and love

Sexy Halloween: Mystery, fire and love By Mabel Iam   As the night falls, discover the meaning of this mysterious Wicca celebration. Dance with the old Celtic druids whispering their lore abou...
Posted by I LOVE YOU NOW WHAT? " on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 03:20:00 PST

Why Do We Fall in Love, and With Whom?

No other human activity is initiated with such powerful hopes and expectations as an amorous relationship. This is true even for those who have failed or encountered obstacles in the past with other r...
Posted by I LOVE YOU NOW WHAT? " on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:37:00 PST

Should There Be a School for Love?

  Should There Be a School for Love? I have always affirmed that nobody has educated us on how to l ove. Religions across the ages, without a doubt, have had some say in the matter, yet the conf...
Posted by I LOVE YOU NOW WHAT? " on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:08:00 PST

Celebrity Authors

 Celebrity Authors My book The Love Diet (R), published by HarperCollins, is enjoying its great success and askmen.com has reviewed it. I'm really thankful for this. It''s a pleasure and an ...
Posted by I LOVE YOU NOW WHAT? " on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 10:07:00 PST