i get my vital force from music
Music is the most important thing for me.
It gives me the possibillity to make different
experiences wherever i am & whenever i need to.
Read more about my favourite music
in my blog . The list isn't complete,
it will never be complete. I will add
more bands and artists there sometime.
Or have a look at my friends , where
you will find a lot of artists who
i like.
I almost listen to every genre, every style and
every artist whose music could be described as
good music.
What means good music for me?
All kind of atmospheric, clear
and emotive sounds of all
instruments, voices & tools.
Strange, strong, fast and loud
songs, but on the other side i
prefer the melodious, slow and
gentle parts of music.
There are no rules and so many
archetypes. Music could be very
complex, fast-moving & eventful,
if you decide for one thing,
you could miss another one ;-)
It also depends on my mood, my
current situation and where i am
at the moment.
There are countless musicians with almost endless
inspirations for innumerable situations on one earth.
Have a look at my 2 playlists where you can listen to
100 songs of 100 artists with more than 500 minutes music.
Pick one song or hear the complete list from the
beginning. The songs aren't my favourite songs,
they stand as an great example for many other
phantastic songs from the artists.
My recommendation: Start one of the playlists
and use the links on the right
to have a look at some nice pics.
Enjoy my profile like i would ;-)
slowly, quiet & gentle (50 tracks ~250 Min.)
This playlist will start with quite nice pop/rock
songs from different artists. In the middle you will
find some ambient, trip-hop and reggae tracks.
And at the end it becomes a little bit slower and
more quiet, more minimalism. I hope you enjoy it!
if the player doesn't appear refresh the site (press F5)
fast, loud & hard (50 tracks ~250 Min.)
In this playlist you will get the rock.
At first some straight pop/rock songs, but later
you will find the full potion of some great rock/metal
songs of the last 15 years :D Yeah!, maybe a little bit
alternative, grunge, punk, crossover, noise, hardcore,
trash-, fun-, and speedmetal and whatever your ass kicks!
if the player doesn't appear refresh the site (press F5)
Important & Instructive
Please watch these videos and realize the declaration.
Severn Suzuki speaks to UN 1992 (6:50)
This video is more important than never before!
Please watch it.
please visit Severn Suzuki Wiki and thegreatwarming.com
Why Are We Here? (1:31)
for more information visit oneearth.org
The Power Of One (1:43)
for more information visit oneearth.org
See also HOPE (The Visions of Whitefeather)
A powerful and inspiring short film (8 min.)
The meaning concerns all of us.
have a look into a book...
...but don't believe you could have read all of them.
The following personalities & authors accompanied me
the last years and some of them should cross the way
of everyone of us.
Dietrich Schwanitz (Bildung, Männer)
Paulo Coelho (Alchimist, Auf dem Jakobsweg, Handbuch
des Kriegers des Lichts, Veronika beschließt zu sterben)
J.R.R. Tolkien (Der kleine Hobbit, Herr der Ringe)
Dan Brown (Illuminati, Meteor, Sakrileg, Diabolus)
Thomas R.P. Mielke (Colonia, Gilgamesch)
Stephen Hawking (Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit,
Das Universum in der Nußschale)
Paul Kennedy (In Vorbereitung auf das 21. Jahrhundert)
Franz Kafka (Erzählungen)
Tzvetan Todorov (Die verhinderte Weltmacht)
Frank Schätzing (Der Schwarm, Nachrichten aus einem
unbekannten Universum)
Perry Rhodan, Terry Pratchet, Stephen King
William Gibson (Neuromancer Trilogie)
Jostein Gaarder (Sofies Welt, Der seltene Vogel)
Bertholt Brecht, J.W. von Goethe, W. Shakespeare,
Miguel de Cervantes (Don Quijote),
Jean-Baptiste Molière ...
My favourite music videos
Let's have look at some artists i really like a lot.
Title: Again (5:30)
Album: You All Look The Same To Me (2002)
visit archivemusic.net and myspace.com/archiveuk
Title: All Is Full Of Love (4:04)
Album: Homogenic (1999)
visit bjork.com and myspace.com/bjork
Title: Moonpigs (4:21)
Album: Aerial View (2005)
blackmail-music.com and myspace.com/thisisblackmail
Porcupine Tree
Title: Fear Of A Blank Planet (4:37)
Album: Fear Of A Blank Planet (2007)
visit porcupinetree.com and myspace.com/porcupinetree