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About Me

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I'm a real down to earth person once you get to know me, a clown sometimes, but i guess i know when to get down to business,I'm one who tries to seek the Kingdom first, far from perfect, but i try to be true to myself and those around me..It's really hard to describe, but i'm just me.....More about me? Well I guess you can say i'm a pretty passionate guy, If I see what I want and know It's for me, well, in that case you'll see my destiny in the choices that I make. I can get along with anyone but I choose not to because I know that If I'm a Kingdom citizen and i'm with the crowd, something is wrong with that! People that I see are weak minded, need friends, money, or whatever I have at the moment that can help them out, I try to build them up, I'm all for building people up, so I'm very optimistic in my views, and i'll probably be the one in the corner helping the underdog cuz I really hate when people are being taken advantage of.I like challenges but I also like truth. I like lions, why you may ask, well not because they are the biggest, not because they are the strongest, not even because they are the smartest or the fastet in the jungle, but despite of all their obstacles , they are recognized as King. No, I'm not God, but I'm one of His kids, and just like a lion's roar, that has a resounding impact! Yea, I'm single to, not because I can't find a girl, or that i'm a ugly guy because anyone can do whatever they put their mind to, but i am because I'm in in the kingdom i have to build productive relationships and I don't do the child's play thing no more, that went out with high school. So If the right Kingdom lady comes along believe me, my story will be different. I don't know where this came from, because I hardly talk about myself, but overall, with all that I said, I can be a mystery and hard to figure out , sort of like a treasure chest. I think that we all are, it's just takes us to realize that. There's alot that can't really be articulated, but Lecrea says in his song, I'm a F A N A T I C, I rep Christ til I D I E!! That's a little about me!!

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My Interests

Christ!!, I like spoken Word, mime, drama, writing, reading, learning, meeting new people, Challenges, I'm interested in interesting things and people, That's Why I give it up to Our Creator, He's the most interesting!.. width="425" height="350" ..

I'd like to meet:

I like real people, I shine light on shady folks, but I like real because real people do real things.... so don't be scurred to [email protected]
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Gospel, Worship & Praise, Gospel Rap, Classical, not much of a country music fan, but I like songs with meaning in the and those that glorify God!!


Comedies, I like Christ Tucker, Nick Cannon got some nice one's especially Drumline, Action, like The Negotiator, Mystery like umm I think National Treasure, I like movies that make you think,laugh, jump, not really the crying type, but I like to be suprised..... Suspense Thrillers, Animated movies like ICe Age, n Finding Nemo


Dialect - Spoken Word

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The Ultimate Gift, Blink, HE came to set the captives Free, A vessel Of Honor, GodChasers, The BIBLe, Hemotions, a little of Shakespeare(Hamlet), a few others i cnt remember now....but i'll think of some more ..


The Lord Jesus Christ, He knows How to Save People truly, on other levels, I respect Michael Jordan in his time of basket ball, Dr Miles Munroe, for one he's a Bahamian and a man of God who God uses to take His word to another level, Pastor Carolyn Cooper, a woman of God who sorta pushed me into becoming who i am today and who has a prayer life out of this world, and last but certainly not least, my moms, Enid Francis, she may not be a world famous person, but just her being my moms taught me alot, no moms, no me....ya see

My Blog

Check out this event: Imagine Me 2 : THe Christmas Party

Hosted By: D.E.S.T.I.N.Y. Drama TeamWhen: Tuesday Dec 25, 2007 at 7:00 PMWhere: Mary Star Of The Sea AuditoriumBAhamasFreeport, BahamasDescription:D.E.S.T.I.N.Y. Drama Team Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Ace on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 06:37:00 PST

Check out this event: Bahamas Mime Explosion "FOR HIS GLORY 2007"

Hosted By: Kingom Mime Ministries & The Living Waters FamilyWhen: Saturday Dec 22, 2007 at 9:00 AMWhere: Living Waters Kingdom MinistriesWarren Street; Oaks Field Nassau, New Providence, BahamasDescr...
Posted by Ace on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 06:23:00 PST

I pay my respects......

Hey, What Up, Just had a minute to write and wanted you to check this, Yes time as as real as the watch on your wrist, What you do with it defines you, Thought I just would remind you to sit in a ro...
Posted by Ace on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:18:00 PST


I just thought that I would share my thoughts on Easter. As we all should already know, it's not about easter baskets or eggs, or any of the other things that are famous but not necessarily factual. E...
Posted by Ace on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:31:00 PST

Answer this if you can...

This one if for anyone who think they have an answer ... I'm trying to think of an angle to come with but i guess I'll walk the straight line in this one. No this is not the inquisition and...
Posted by Ace on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 02:34:00 PST

What really Matters??...

How amazing it is that we search our whole lives for something that we never discover. Wasting our resources on things that never add up to much, at least to anyone else anyway. Life I found to b...
Posted by Ace on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 01:59:00 PST

True (Spoken Word)

True(True, is the response that listeners say back after every line) I just want one minute to let out what it may take a life time to explain, I wonder sometimes if I'm from here, (Respose)True I tr...
Posted by Ace on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 03:30:00 PST

Spoken Word

                  If I was Air --> --> A lonely boy, crying in the dark, he can't see because he's lost his father fr...
Posted by Ace on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:17:00 PST

Think On This!

Check This Out!! "Have the guts to live, anyone can die." Somethings I think about and one day i was saying to me, yes me. I said to me, it's amazing how so many of us live only know half of the meani...
Posted by Ace on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 04:05:00 PST