KehaulaniLucindaBrumthe7th profile picture


Fuck, I love life!

About Me

I love Estelle Getty

My Interests

The pics should explain what I like to do and who I like to do it with.
| View Show | Create Your Own Im so emo!!!!!!hahahaha!

I'd like to meet:

Gwen Stefani, Andrew W.K., Steve Perry, Conan O'brien, any of the Golden Girls, the cast of Reno 911, the West Memphis 3, Molly Ringwald, and anyone who lives in the San Francisco area.
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everyting mahn.


I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!


Golden Girls of course, Sex and the City, Reno 911, The Office, da ali g show, entourage, gilmore girls, conan o'brien, mostly on demand stuff.


Okay so I have to read a book a week in my Humanitties class and so far we have had to read 3 books : "Waiting for Godot" (thee WORST book EVER), "Maus I" and "Maus II" (I highly recommend these two books to everyone. They are by Art Spiegelman who is an avant garde comic book writer and great at what he does).

My Blog

My top 9 friends...

1Julieboolie 2.Hoostin 3.Gasca 4. Stephanie 5.Madi 6. Boobies Mcgee 7.Milf 8. Nurse Patty 9.Elle DONT LOOK AHEAD UNLESS YOU FILLED OUT THE TOP! What would you do if you had never met 2? I probably ...
Posted by KehaulaniLucindaBrumthe7th on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 04:00:00 PST

Dear Magic Mountain,

Dear Magic Mountain,     It's been many years since I've stepped foot on your disgustingly dirty and smelly pavement.  And although the thought of hanging out with you m...
Posted by KehaulaniLucindaBrumthe7th on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 11:48:00 PST


i give up. i give in. im lonely. im crowded. i hate you. i love you. be yourself. be what i tell you to be. you bore me. you inspire me. you piss me off. you make me laugh. tell me the truth no matter...
Posted by KehaulaniLucindaBrumthe7th on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 04:23:00 PST

memorial day weekend

 what is memorial day about? it's about gettin an extra day to party! it's about having to go to school one less day of the week. it's about having to go work one less day of your life. it's abou...
Posted by KehaulaniLucindaBrumthe7th on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! everyone should go out and get  themselves some. don't be shy today or get sad. just enjoy every moment and spank yourself if no one else will.
Posted by KehaulaniLucindaBrumthe7th on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

dumb bitches!

okay so i was in the bathroom at this restaurant when i walked in these three really big headed blonde chicks were talking about how great the jessica simpson show is. they all had such valley girl ac...
Posted by KehaulaniLucindaBrumthe7th on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

oy vey

kay yeah so andrew w k is the shit. i saw him at a show last weekend and fell even more in love with him. i mean the energy he has and the awesome openess he has towards his fans is so cool. yeah but ...
Posted by KehaulaniLucindaBrumthe7th on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST