jeremy lost profile picture

jeremy lost

you never know when lost becomes found.

About Me

I'm Jeremy, i'm 15, i'm real, I have my own life and my myspace isn't for competition, I love laughing, music & photography, I want to grow up and be successful, I smoke, big woop, it's my choice; go preach elsewhere. I currently live in a group home, i'm glad I made the choice to stop drinking & doing drugs, i'm proud of myself and my life couldn't get any better. I get jealous easy, i'm self-centered, but then again; who the hell isn't? I worry about how my hair looks to much, I think i'm fat, oh well, it's all about me, not you.

Comming to a town near you in april.

My Interests

photography, tea, life, pop rocks, being a fatass, music, reading, burts bees, diet pepsi, chiptole, education, breathing, loving, hating

I'd like to meet:

Anybody with a mind & personality of their own.






My Blog


I feel as if i'm finally worth something.My life's improved.And I really couldn't be better.
Posted by jeremy lost on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 10:12:00 PST

My lifes priorities.

To get out of Caley.To find a job.To become a freelance photographer.To fall head over heels in love.To live a great life and when my father's time comes, I hope he dies proud of me.That's all I ask....
Posted by jeremy lost on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:46:00 PST