when you find someone you care about take care of them & love them with all of your might, when they are going through the tough times hold them while they cry, don't fuss to much with the small stuff and make sure to choose your battles life is to short to be constantly bickering be understanding after all we are all human and make mistakes and do not take thier love for granted that's a big mistake cause love is something you have to nuture, along with equal give and take most of all do NOT waste someones love if you don't care anymore, end it nicely as posible oh yeah and SAVE THA DRAMA FO YA MOMMA!By Amanda Andre'
I already met the man of my dreams.... so now i would like to meet good hearted people looking to make lifetime friends!People in general
Athf, Family Guy, The Boondocks, Nip/Tuck, Dr. Phil, and Unsolved Mysteries, Yo mamma faced down biatch! (thought i'd sneek that in)
Wolverine and .....My protector, my best friend, my love and my life! Bret Anthony Cassagne Jr.
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