MIKE profile picture



About Me

My name Is Mike I like to make music, listen to music, think about music, create little jingles in my mind, skateboard, snowboard, wakeboard, beboard, mountainboard, sawboards, haha... I am a firm believer in Extra Terestrial life. I think alot. I like to paint, draw, doodle, and dable. There are things I would like to change about my life but wouldnt do it if I had the chance. I don't believe that anyone in this world will ever find their place until they die. I know I have yet to find mine therefore I like to dream. I dislike when I lose anything, I absolutely dislike people who think they are sad all the time but never took the time to realise they just watch to many soap operas. I dont like to trip in front of large crouds. I Do Like to listen to traffic driving by my window.

My Interests

Watching ladies break heels while trying to look super fly. Dancing in the dark. following footsteps. Music stuffs. I like movies a little more than I should. I like to make small films of nothingness and everythingness. Trying to figure out what that is in the bottom of my wiskey bottle. I fell into a rabit hole of some kind, I have been here ever since. I like to keep the things I want in life a dream. Noises in the nights like whistles from a nose with a bat in the chambers keep me up all night and I think the people up stairs have a trampoline.

I'd like to meet:

I am still looking for that person that makes me want to fly away into a cloud... ..


I have two ears specially designed to listen to music. I enjoy everything from a-z minus some G's and E's.


I have watched many of them and enjoyed more of them. I love to watch movies that "CHANGE MY LIFE" haha.


I like Discovery Channel, History Channel, Cops, Comedy, News, and Cartoons.


I like to read books, magazines, newspapers, myspace profiles, and anything on a door I am about to open.


Larry "Poppy" Youngblood & Steve Irwin R.I.P. Mates.

My Blog

Crop Circles--->

A few years ago we sent broadcasts through a satelite transmitter we sent out our mathmatics 1-10 our genetic coding our method of transmition and in return we received theirs .. A year after this on ...
Posted by MIKE on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 10:49:00 PST