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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace LayoutsRock & Roll and tattoos... is there anything else? My life revolves around my son and my wife. My wife and I have fun with life. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs xXx. I will educate people that depression can effect anyone... get help.. its out there .. I fight it everyday. I also suffer from Crohns disease. If you dont know what it is look it up.. no you cannot catch it.. I have had two surgeries for it and take 22 pills a day to treat it. I was 7 years old when I found out I had it. Treat people with respect, play no games, just be honest and true to yourself. Not here to pick anyone up.. just make friends, send e-mails maybe hang out. Don't bs me, don't lie, don't steal, no spammer porn please.. you will be deleted.. that means if I send you and e-mail and you don't reply..and all your links are porn.. your gone. I love my job.. I love to be nice to people until its time not to be.. then its on.. My wife is the coolest person I know.. she doens't get jealous.. we tell each other everyyyy thing. Being jealous stems from insecurity with you or your relationship and lies. You want to know anything just come out and ask me.. don't beat around the bush. But be careful... you might hear what you want. Yeah I'm a big flirt.. my wife jokes that someday someone will call my bluff and I will just stand there with my mouth open.. yeah.. she is probably right. Rock n Roll is a big part of my life..big metal head..but recent events have caused me to sell all my guitars, amps, action figures, comics.. paid medical bills that are still coming in. I used some of it to buy 2 used bikes. My wife and I love to ride and I figure its one of those things I will do for the rest of my life. Remember not to wait to do the things you want.. some day may come and its too late... live life now... leave with no regrets.

My Interests

Right now its motorcycles... the more I ride the better I feel So never wait to do what you want, your time may be shorter than you think. No! Dont drop out of school, if you have to work find something your realllly want to do, consider the pay and plan your finances accordingly. I buy everything on sale, I have sold so much on ebay (all those damn comic books and football cards) two of my medications cost just over $100 each for a 1 month supply- and long term disability has not kicked in so my wife has been trying to pull extra hours to help. I will not give up.. I think about going back to a tech school to learn how to work on motorcycles.. I could possibly start with a dealership for a bit then repair them in my garage.

I'd like to meet:

Ted Nugent, George Clinton, PE..if I have to expain.. you wouldn't understand.. the guys from Biohazard.. to let them know they changed my brother's and my life the night they took the time to talk with us before a show several years ago in Baltimore. That meant a lot...we went to every show when they came to town and ended up bruised and cut... rock and roll .. gotta love it. Oh.. did I forget Ice T and Body Count.SO SOME DAY I HOPE TO MEET TED, ICE T AND GEORGE. FOR THE LONGEST TIME I WANTED TO MEET SNOOP AND DARRELL DIMEBAG IN THE SAME ROOM... THAT WILLAs far as women.. I have my top ten.. and yes the wife knows..lol


Biohazard, Korn, Pantera, Machine Head... if its heavy and it rocks.. I'm there. Ice T, Body Count, Ice Cube, Dre, Snoop.


Underworld, Pulp Fiction, Running Scared




Comic books.. yeah.. I am still a kid..like most men. Spawn is my favorite.. followed closely by The Punisher.


Ted Nugent, My son Noah and his mother, my wife