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I Am Suddenly, Strangely Enamored With Michelle Williams. I Mean She's Hot And Everything...

About Me

I live, I breathe, I drink coffee.
Myspace Layouts
Name: Corey
Birthday: June 14
Birthplace: New Haven, Conncecticut
Current Location: New York City, NY
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'1''
Right Handed or Left Handed: Left handed
Your Heritage: Caucasian/Eastern European
The Shoes You Wore Today: Black dress shoes, then my Pumas
Your Weakness: Girls with British Accents, Beer,
Your Fears: Failure, poverty, having to leave New York, Peak Oil, Global Warming, the Bush Administration, War, The End of the World, Willful Ignorance
Your Perfect Pizza: Pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Well, I'm already in New York, now I'm working on getting lucrative acting work
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: don't use IM, but I say "literally" a lot
Thoughts First Waking Up: What do I have to do today?
Your Best Physical Feature: lankiness and good physique
Your Bedtime: whenever I need to sleep
Your Most Missed Memory: college
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: neither, I like Subway
Single or Group Dates: single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither, I like herbal
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: both are great
Do you Smoke: sometimes
Do you Swear: yeah, too f--king much
Do you Sing: yeah, not well, though
Do you Shower Daily: yes
Have you Been in Love: yes, too often
Do you want to go to College: graduated last year
Do you want to get Married: not sure
Do you belive in yourself: most of the time
Do you get Motion Sickness: just once when I was ten
Do you think you are Attractive: most of the time
Are you a Health Freak: yes, I exercise daily and watch what I eat
Do you get along with your Parents: yes, for the most part
Do you like Thunderstorms: I was afraid of them when I was little, they don't bother me now
Do you play an Instrument: not exactly
In the past month have you Smoked: yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs: yes
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: well, not a whole box
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: yes, every weekend
In the past month have you been Dumped: well, the past two months
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: once or twice...
Ever been called a Tease: yes
Ever been Beaten up: yes
Ever Shoplifted: yes, accidentally once
How do you want to Die: happy and fulfilled
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: succesful, content, and productive
What country would you most like to Visit: France
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Blue
Favourite Hair Color: dark brown or black
Short or Long Hair: long
Height: not important
Weight: healthy, slim/slender to average
Best Clothing Style: whatever they like and look good in
Number of Drugs I have taken: a few here and there
Number of CDs I own: several hundred
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: none
Number of things in my Past I Regret: none
Take the quiz:
Which Shakespeare play are you?

Merchant of Venice
Your play is Merchant of Venice. A play about the sassy revenge of the female species.
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You scored as Charlie. You are Charlie! As an ex-rock star you are in a drug withdrawl but have a soft spot for pregnant Aussie women. You are way cute and always have something witty to say.






















Which "Lost" character are you?
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My Interests

My life is rated R!

Your life is rated R!

What is your life rated? (MPAA Scale)

Take Other Caffeine Nebula QuizzesI'm into a lot of things, literature, music, sports, film, theatre, I'm a human, and interested in all things human. I find myself very reluctant to go to bed at night, and then equally reluctant to get up in the morning...I love waking up on the weekend and realizing I don't have to go to work...watching snow fall, especially at night...cups of coffee...bagels with cream cheese, staring out the window endlessly for no set period of time...making art either physically or through the written word...I wish I could draw better...I wish I could play the guitar and the piano.Best video ever by the best band they are: NIRVANA!.. width="425" height="350">.. .. ..>

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You Are 84% NYC
Congratulations, you are truly a New Yorker. You've seen it all, and you're more than a little cynical. How NYC Are You?
You scored as Existentialism. Your life is guided by the concept of Existentialism: You choose the meaning and purpose of your life.

“Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.”
“It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.”
--Jean-Paul Sartre

“It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the Truth.”
--Blaise Pascal

More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...





Strong Egoism


Justice (Fairness)










Divine Command

What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
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I'd like to meet:

River Phoenix, Kurt Cobain, Jack Kerouac, Sam Shepard, God, Hilary Swank, Edward Norton, Philip Seymour Hoffman, PJ Harvey, Syd Barrett, a girl (i.e. my future soulmate), Sean Penn, Henry Rollins, Eddie Vedder, Bono, Stephen Adly Guirgis, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Zadie Smith, Martin Luther King, Eddie Izzard, Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Miles Davis, Nick Hornby, John F. and Robert F. Kennedy, Edward R. Murrow, Thomas Pynchon, Dustin Hoffman, Jimmy Stewart, Katherine Hepburn, Kim Gordon, David Bowie...etc.Your results:
You are Han Solo

Han Solo 69%
Chewbacca 69%
Qui-Gon Jinn 69%
Luke Skywalker 66%
Lando Calrissian 64%
Mace Windu 62%
R2-D2 61%
Obi-Wan Kenobi 60%
Princess Leia 56%
Boba Fett 55% Even though you've been described as
reckless, selfish and cocky, you're the
type of person others love to be around.
People like you because you're a scoundrel.
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
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?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??

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See if you can spot all the Beatles references in this gem, "Free as a Bird.".. width="425" height="350">.. .. ..>I'm a music fanatic...where to begin? 1. Nirvana 2. The Beatles 3. Sonic Youth 4. PJ Harvey 5. The Velvet Underground MUCH more to come...LIKE HERE! Mudhoney, The Stone Roses, Guided by Voices, Hum, Stereolab, Aerosmith, The Arcade Fire, Pavement, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, Kool Keith, Neutral Milk Hotel, Rogue Wave, Public Enemy, The Strokes, Wilco, Air, Suede, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Massive Attack, Moby, Sleater Kinney, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, The Police, Ray Charles, John Lennon, George Harrison, Audioslave, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Chris Cornell, Frank Zappa, Joni Mitchell, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Captain Beefheart, early Michael Jackson (pre-psychosis, you know...) Stone Temple Pilots, Outkast, Smashing Pumpkins, Zero 7, Queen, The Shins, Portishead, Nine Inch Nails, Janis Joplin, Lauryn Hill, Social Distortion, Metallica, Screaming Trees, Echo and the Bunnymen, Belly, Bob Marley, Fiona Apple, Sinead O'Connor, TV on the Radio, Death Cab for Cutie, Ryan Adams, Morrissey, The Smiths, The Pogues, New Order, Sex Pistols, Joy Division, The Clash, Whiskeytown, The Ramones, Blondie, Talking Heads, Television, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Liz Phair, Cat Power, Radiohead, The Orb, Massive Attack, Tricky, The Offspring, (early stuff) My Bloody Valentine, Broken Social Scene, Bjork, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, early Santana, The Replacements, Husker Du, The Buzzcocks, Iggy and the Stooges, R.E.M., The Magnetic Fields, James Brown (R.I.P.), Gnarls Barkley, Danger Mouse, St. Germaine, .. width="425" height="350">.. .. ..> ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
Your Life: The Soundtrack
Opening credits: The Passenger-Iggy Pop
Waking up: Wake Up-The Arcade Fire
Average day: Everything in its Right Place-Radiohead
First date: Hello, I Love You-The Doors
Falling in love: Fade into You-Mazzy Star
Love scene: Sometimes-My Bloody Valentine
Fight scene: Mama Said Knock You Out-LL Cool J
Breaking up: Linger-The Cranberries
Getting back together: Just Like Old Times-Standard
Secret love: Mojo Pin-Jeff Buckley
Life's okay: Float On-Modest Mouse
Mental breakdown: Providence-Sonic Youth
Driving: Tangerine-Led Zeppelin
Learning a lesson: Boys Don't Cry-The Cure
Deep thought: Thirty-Three-Smashing Pumpkins
Flashback: It Was There That I Saw You-...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead
Partying: Smash it Up-The Damned
Happy dance: Cannonball-The Breeders
Regreting: Bigmouth Strikes Again-The Smiths
Long night alone: Oh My Sweet Carolina-Ryan Adams
Death scene: Decades-Joy Division
Closing credits: Such Great Heights-The Postal Service
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My Movie Personality
My Top Rated Movies
Category My Ratings
Blockbusters Good
Comedies Yuck
Action Great!
Love OK
More Stuff Great!
How do we compare? Take the quiz >>
Check out my page on Flixster - add me if u r on!
.. FLIXSTER MCT RESULTS END ->1. Pulp Fiction 2. Raiders of the Lost Ark 3. The Usual Suspects 4. Apocalypse Now 5. Annie Hall and now...A History of Violence, Psycho, Rear Window, Vertigo, (in a Hitchcock phase) Magnolia, Garden State, Airplane, Duck Soup, Paris, Texas, Waking Life, Million Dollar Baby, Into the Wild, The Simpsons Movie, Mystic River, Hannah and Her Sisters, Alien, Aliens, Reservoir Dogs, The Godfather I and II, Kill Bill I and II, Zodiac, A Night at the Opera, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Donnie Darko, Boogie Nights, Pan's Labyrinth, Children of Men, Punch Drunk Love, Star Wars Trilogy, Cowboy Bebop The Movie, Olivier's Hamlet, The Science of Sleep, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Moulin Rouge, Romeo + Juliet, Casablanca, High Fidelity, Ghost World, Dead Ringers, Do the Right Thing, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Amelie, Run Lola Run, Trainspotting, Dazed and Confused, Slacker, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Fargo, Raising Arizona, Half Nelson, Superman, Superman Returns, Batman, Batman Begins, Spiderman 2, Akira, Princess Mononoke, The Royal Tennenbaums, Grindhouse, The Breakfast Club, Lost in Translation, Rushmore, Terminator 1 and 2, Garden State, Say Anything, The Big Lebowski, Bottle Rocket, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, The Pianist, Lawrence of Arabia, Spirited Away, The Maltese Falcon, Easy Rider, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T., Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Midnight Cowboy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Drugstore Cowboy, My Own Private Idaho, Rain Man, The Graduate, American Beauty, Sid and Nancy, The Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn version), Dead Man Walking, Bull Durham, The Abyss, City Lights, Modern Times, The Gold Rush, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Adaptation, Being John Malkovich, Sin City, Edward Scissorhands, Leaving Las Vegas, Finding Neverland, The Seventh Seal MUCH more to come as well...
Which Trainspotting Character Are You? Back to THIS IS YESTERDAY.


LOST!!! (only like the best show ever, gosh!) The Simpsons, Saturday Night Live, The State, The Kids in the Hall, South Park, Cowboy Bebop, Man vs. Wild (even if it is staged), The Whitest Kids U Know, Mythbusters, The Daily Show, the news, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (funniest show on television), Wonder Showzen, CBS Sunday Morning, WWE wrestling (yes I know it is fake, but I have loved it since I was nine, so F.U.!), Inside the Actors' Studio before it started sucking, Family Guy,


White Noise, On the Road, Fahrenheit 451, The Illustrated Man, The Lovely Bones, An Actor Prepares, London Fields, Watchmen, White Teeth, Franny and Zooey, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Respect for Acting, The Dharma Bums, The Glass Menagerie, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, I Love You, Beth Cooper, Falling Man, Kafka on the Shore, After Dark, Hard-Boiled Wonderland and The End of the World, Tropic of Cancer, The Dharma Bums, On Beauty, Cruising Paradise, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, High Fidelity, Of Mice and Men, Trainspotting, pretty much anything Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, or Stephen Adly Guirgis, Zadie Smith is cool too, as well as William S. Burroughs and Kerouac
You Should Be a Poet
You have a way with words... and a talent for drawing the pure emotions out of experiences.
Your poetry has the potential to make people laugh and cry at the same time. You just need to write it! What Sort of Artist Should You Be?


My dad, Sam Shepard, Hilary Swank, Edward Norton, Polly Jean Harvey, Kurt Cobain, Muhammed Ali, Guil Fisher, Eddie Izzard, Stephen Adly Guirgis, Adam Hill, Henry Rollins, Martin Luther King, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, John F. and Robert F. Kennedy, Sean Penn, Anita Hill, Edward R. Murrow, Rosa Parks, Che Guevara, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Jack Kerouac, and...Superman!Your results:
You are Superman
Superman 90%
Hulk 80%
Spider-Man 75%
Green Lantern 75%
Supergirl 65%
Robin 65%
The Flash 65%
Wonder Woman 50%
Iron Man 45%
Batman 35%
Catwoman 20% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
You Should Rule Venus
Venus is a mysterious, stormy planet - shrouded in a thick layer of clouds.
You are perfect to rule Venus, because you are quite emotional and volatile yourself.
Your emotions change as rapidly as the weather on Venus, and both you and the planet are incomprehensible to others.
While you are not a logical thinker, you are quite empathetic.
You can care for and understand others, but your emotions swirl too quickly to truly understand yourself. What Planet Should You Rule?