Leather, Trains, Music, Photography, Harley-Davidson, Fender, Gibson, Vox, Roland, Recording, Record Collecting, and computers. Did I mention Leather?
Buddy Holly, Frank Zappa, Leo Fender, Ben Folds, Abbie from NCIS, Marina Sirtis, Leo Gallagher, Robin Williams, Little Richard, John Fogerty, Dale Bozzio, Chrys Peterson, Jasper Newton Daniel, Jenny Beck, people in MtoF transition, and anyone into leather.
A really, really broad spectrum of listening from Big Band to Punk, Rock-N-Roll and oldies. You name it, it's probably in the collection. In fact ANYTHING but Barry Manilow. Certain character flaws are simply just not acceptable.
The Train, Silver Streak, Emperor Of The North, Slap Shot, The American Pie series, North By Northwest, Ace Ventura, Scorched, Barbershop 1 & 2, Beauty Shop (Barbershop 3), and anything funny.
Box sets on DVD... The Prisoner, Sports Night, Monty Python, SNL, Due South, M*A*S*H, The Avengers, Ren & Stimpy, CSI, Cold Case, Without A Trace, NCIS, Jeopardy, and WTOL news.
The Dictionary, The Encyclopedia, any books on Trains, Lingerie, Music, deviant lifestyles..., etc. ;-)
Buddy Holly, Frank Zappa, Leo Fender, Ben Folds, Abbie from NCIS, Marina Sirtis, Leo Gallagher, Robin Williams, Little Richard, John Fogerty, Dale Bozzio, Chrys Peterson, Jasper Newton Daniel, Jenny Beck, people in MtoF transition, and anyone into leather.