An.Vi-ciS-sI-tUdE profile picture


fee faii fooo fuuu

About Me

saye ade lah seorang pemakan yg tegar..wat ever i do food will be my first priority. then i luv music, im a universal listener.. sgt teruja ngan music , how come creature like us can create such a lovely sound maka kesimpulan nye.. i luv musician heheh. mengembara adelah minat dr kecil :P ur mind will expand with different kind of exposure out there. what eva it is malaysia is still d best place on earth. berchattng sambil berckp mende yg mengarut adelah aktiviti mase lapang. herm sounds like im a useless person but i am better than my little bro satu sen pn tiade gune nye :P.i luv shoppng... alone or wif man can understand wat is window shoppng is all about. saye juge sgt fanart dgn jepun, fashion nye sgt segaaarr!!! as a conclusion i am ugly but adorable :X

My Interests

music dan pemuzik ;), outdoor activities, fashion, gadgets, interior design dan MAKAN

I'd like to meet:

shah rukh khan - slap him and ask him not to be so poyo and tolong nyanyi lagu sndiri.gwen steffani - just to say i luv uidris jala - ask him will i get my bonus?


hum that make me shake ur body like a poloroid picture!!..shake it...shake it..


LOTR- the return of the king (macho aragon) shrek, nemo2, 300


friends, that 70's show, malcolm in the middle


herm...herm... n hermmm again


ultra man bcoz he got zip behind his back hermm curious