Sleeping, Fishing, Hunting, Women, School, Old books, Alcohol, the unit, and my pup JAX.
Alexander the Great- He is a Hard ASS
Everything but rap-metal. Music Video: BACK IN BLACK (by AC/DC)
Music Video Code provided by ..
A Few Good Men, Napoleon Dynamite, Clerks, Mall Rats, fight club, trainspotting, Pulp fiction, and The People vs. Larry Flint and mostly movies that are funny and dont suck.
Cien anos de solitudo, El principito, All of Robert Luis Stephenson's work, Dantes Inferno, 1984, To kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Thermopylae, and The Mexican Revolution.
My Step Dad-Jesse Chapel- The most honest hard working guy I know. He is a little rough around the edges but he has gotten it done for me and my family for all my life.Dr. John Dahmus- the smartest man I have ever met and a schollar of schollars.