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My name is Davidius...or Dark Light...I was born into the realm of darkness in the year 13,958 B.C.E. Throughout the ages my kind, "Likens", "Familiars" and Vampire's have been comtemplated. Many stories have been told and retold since I came to be what I am now. I find them quite amusing. The human imagination is very creative. Especially when they don't understand. Ignorance causes the imagination to create reasoning to explain the unknown. I've told and retold my story countless times and yet so much of my story has been changed that the truth was lost. Only bits and pieces of half truths exist. So I have chosen to use this medium to set certain things straight and maybe, just maybe the human species will understand. I was born in what is known as the Basilica region of Italy. My Father and Mother were Tobith and Theotokos respectively. They were of high status and power. Many people were jealous of their wealth and status and that is where it all begins. I am what I am because of the evil that lyes within the darkened soul of one who represented many. The one with the darkened soul was Shama. He is the origin of the title "Shaman". Deep within him festered jealousy, hatered and evil. Those who were like him plotted and conspired to destroy all of what my Father and Mother were, as well as future generations of their blood line. This conspiricy led to a curse that was placed on my Mother's womb by Shama. The result, I was born. I AM CANIS LUPUS. This the name given to me by those who have tried to understand all those of my distinctions. The human studies are called Therianthropy or Lycanthropy. I am the first as well as the last. There will never be another like me. I am the Lord of all I have created. This includes beings such as Werewolve's and Vampire's as well as untold numbers of creatures. I give and take as I please. Those I have created are lower than me. They have frailties like humans. I have NO frailties. Weakness is an imperfection that only exists in those I've created and those of the human species. As for those I've created... Werewolves, Vampire's etc., I created them to be similar to me, but not exactly like me. I and only I can give and take their live's. Myths that those I have made can be destroyed by Silver, Crucifixes, Stakes, Wolfbane (Arnica) etc. are not true. Though they are all night walkers, daylight can only stifle them temporarily. This is an attribute I chose for them all to have. I limited them in this way as a method of control. Ultimately, they still can't be destroyed by any human means. The Silver and Stakes etc. are a matter of an authors creative energy designed to entertain you. Another myth is that I and all I've created are unholy. That is such a mindless and empty statement. Why? Because there is NO Heaven or Hell! Heaven and Hell are a state of mind and presence. All individuals control their spiritual destiny, if you will. I control their physical world. Religious writings from all regions of the world and throughout history were created by humans as a method of controlling the populations. Though there is no Heaven or Hell, there are thirteen dimensions. All human beings start in the first dimension. The length of time they spend in the first dimension is relavent (by the way all of the dimensions are a matter of physics) to the state of mind. What you have or have not learned. Do you follow me? If one successfully conquers the first dimension they move on to the next, and so on until they have reached the highest level of conciousness. This does not require flesh and blood. The human body is only a temporary vehicle that is used in the first dimension. Because I am NOT human this doesn't apply to me. That's how I can kill at my leisure, even for pleasure, without guilt restraint or remorse. Yes, I do have what you call emotions, but they are not like humans. It's all a matter of reason that you cannot understand so I will not try to explain. Again, because I am not human I can enter and leave all thirteen dimensions at will. There is no one like me and never will be. I see all. No one can hide from me. If I choose you no one can save you. NO ONE! To borrow a line, Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name....
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