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I am here for Networking

About Me

Poet & writer, living in Johannesburg, from Lesotho (and Ghana and Germany). Fascinated with the world behind the words, Kojo’s poetry embraces the spectrum of human experience and brings together a range of emotions and thoughts in free flowing verse. Uninhibited by boundaries, he is constantly learning and attempting to stretch his craft… “on a quest to find the perfect poem, a gentle balance between word, rhythm and thought …a poem that sends the moon and sun dancing over the skyline hand in hand”.
His poetry is a passionate journal detailing a life still finding its truth, a life that is neither ordinary nor extraordinary, a life that is representative of us all. As a performer, Kojo struggles to make peace with exposing elements of his soul, while driven by the need to interact and share with his environment. It is a love/hate relationship … “what is it I do, standing before you, sprouting words of pseudo-intellectuality … I, the poet, and you, the listener, or is it, I, the patient and you, the psychiatrist.” The voices in his head still speak, and the words still come.
He has performed extensively in Southern Africa within a range of spaces and has also published two collections of poetry, "Voices In My Head" and "And They Say: Black Men Don't Write Love Poetry."
i stand at the centre of a war / that has been waged for hundreds of years / a war that has been fought with burning crosses and thick rope / with shackles, chains and whips / with hidden looks and clutched handbags / with segregation and cultural destruction / with guns and warplanes / with bullets and bombs / with sharp tongues and the devil’s eyes / with fake smiles and darkened hearts / with misunderstanding and deception / with hate and cruelty / with knives in the back and hangmen / with religion and courtrooms /
i stand at the centre of war / that has been televised commercially edited / digitally mastered / and broadcast in stereo /
i stand at the centre of a war / where everything is black or white / yet i am the grey area between warring parties / i am neither black nor white / and yet i am both / i am neither african or european / and yet i am both / i am your future / devoid of a side to pick / i am your hope / devoid of your understanding / i am your greatest fear / and i am your wildest aspiration / i am the merger of your strengths / and i am the failure of your weaknesses / i am a symbol of your love / and a victim of your hatred / i am the unification of your desire to separate / and separate from your desire to unify / i am a power unto myself / and the product of your power / i am so much / and yet represent so little /
i exist in the midst of the confusion / your birthed me into / because i am the product / of two factions stuck / on extreme poles of reality

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

They've all moved on to the unknown beyond

Check out my other Blogs: http://imperfectpoetry.blogspot.com http://infinitepursuit.blogspot.com


Hip Hop, Soul, Reggae & Ragga ... actually just about everything


The Crow, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Menace II Society, Natural Born Killers, Malcolm X, Higher Learning, the list is endless


The Dead Emcee Scrolls (Saul Williams), Asphalt (Carl Hancock Rux), White Boy Shuffle (Paul Beatty), The Vampire Chronicles (Anne Rice), Wheel of Time Series(Robert Jordan), Invisible Man (Ralph Ellison)


Jimi Hendrix, Marvin Gaye, Prince, Malcolm X, Kwame Nkrumah, Bob Marley, Chris Hani

My Blog

ramblings - nothing else matters

My writing hand has been consumed by the realities of life. I have neglected the true expression of my soul while I attempted to turn life from the mediocre. It is never easy. They say life is meant ...
Posted by Kojo on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 02:38:00 PST

ramblings - tell me a story

Greetings. The concept of 'baggage' has always fascinated me, especially when you hear conversations around relationships. Person A broke up with person B because they came with baggage. Or a friends...
Posted by Kojo on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 04:46:00 PST

ramblings - the questions have no answers

*First part was for e-mailing list* Greetings. I have added a few people to this mailing list and should have actually informed them as to what the whole thing is about. It is difficult to explain be...
Posted by Kojo on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 07:40:00 PST

ramblings - honour thy neighbour

Greetings. Over the years I have always had one vehicle or another that enables me to share my two cents with what I hope are kindred spirits. I am in continual conflict with myself on the relevance ...
Posted by Kojo on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 06:08:00 PST

ramblings - threads of sanity

It's been a minute. Out of practice. Thoughts caught within boundaries of my cranium, struggle to translate them into written word.  And written word is what keeps me sane.What keeps you sane?&nb...
Posted by Kojo on Tue, 08 May 2007 01:34:00 PST

ramblings - acid rain

There's much talk in media on the environmental crisis we are facing as a planet and as a species. From the Al Gore documentary through to magazines and newspapers, the impact of our actions over the...
Posted by Kojo on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:35:00 PST

ramblings - incident versus accident

Everything happens for a reason. I believe this. There is also the concept that we draw incident and accident to us, we create the conditions conducive to whatever happens in our space. So if somethi...
Posted by Kojo on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 03:30:00 PST


It has been a while since I've written and posted 'ramblings' so I figured I'd just write a few words to indicate that I am still alive (for those who may be interested, concerned, blah, blah).  ...
Posted by Kojo on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 02:25:00 PST

ramblings - built on past ramblings

This is my side of a brief email chat that followed the last ramblings on the whole turning 30 thing. Figure I forward it, added some bits. 28 is around the age many us start to question and reflect ...
Posted by Kojo on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 10:52:00 PST

ramblings - beyond three zero

Greetings. Was having a chat recently with a friend who just turned thirty. He's grappling with what it all means and, as usual, I had my two cents to contribute. Yeah, I made it past 30 a few years ...
Posted by Kojo on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:44:00 PST