DJ Reynders profile picture

DJ Reynders

DJ Reynders

About Me

I'm a DJ from Liege in Belgium. My real first name is Gilles.

I play the best pop, rock and electronic music from the 60's to nowadays. I constantly try to find the balance between playing songs I like and making people move their asses on the floor.

I'm part of the glamourous DJ-duet "Garcons Glamours". Check out our MySpace page : ! Together with a friend, we intend to create a revolution in the history of music every night. If we don't succeed, well at least we would have had great fun.

I'm also a music journalist and a keen football fan. My favourite team is FC Bruges.

I'm married to Nathalie, probably the best person I've ever met. If you're a girl looking for a one-night stand, don't stay on this page cuz' she'll come and kiss your ass...

My Interests

Music, movies and football

I'd like to meet:

Anyone but Michel Fugain.


Art brut, Badly drawn boy, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Beck, Belle and Sebastian, Bloc Party, Blondie, Blur, The Boo Radleys, The Coral, The Cure, Death cab for cutie, Death in Vegas, Depeche mode, dEUS, The Divine Comedy, Echo & The Bunnymen, The Flaming Lips, Ghinzu, Hot Chip, I am kloot, Ian Brown, Jean-Louis Murat, John Cunningham, LCD Soundsystem, Madonna, Malibu Stacy, Maximo Park, Miam Monster Miam, Morrissey, Nada Surf, Oasis, Phoenix, The Polyphonic Spree, Pulp, Radio 4, Radiohead, Red house painters, Scissor Sisters, Showstar, The Smiths, The Stone Roses, The Streets, The Strokes, Supergrass, Tahiti 80, Weezer...


The big Lebowski, Ed Wood, A clockwork orange, Scarface, American beauty, Reservoir dogs...


Lost, Prison break, Nip/tuck, The Simpsons...


"High fidelity" by Nick Hornby, "99 Francs" by Frédéric Beigbeder, "Dreaming of Babylon" by Richard Brautigan.


Noel and Liam Gallagher, John, Paul, Georges and Ringo, Elvis, Steven Patrick Morrissey, Frédéric Beigbeder, Michael Moore, Johan Museeuw, Thom Yorke, Jonathan Blondel, Nick Hornby, Thierry Ardisson, Tom Boonen, Ian Brown, Gary Lineker, Jan Ceulemans, Tim Burton, Me, Myself and I!