CHEMISTRY profile picture


IM n0t Tryn 2 lose U like the m@rtyr which w@s my fAtHer did my M@ so I hAve 2 go even.. harder!!!!

About Me

I am that i am.... and i need not be anything more built like a tank something like ford tough as you can obviously see i stay on the work out gotta preserve my sexy ya dig but more importantly i stay reading cause ya gotta preserve the mind its the foundation of my kingdom and its only justified if its vast so im always in search of knowledge.... i sing, i dance i write i do it all so if ya think you can keep up holla at me cause two minds are always better than one

My Interests

sports,singing,dancing, and poetry:
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.... ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!



Usher - Moving Mountains - NEW MUSIC VIDEO!


Check my space, this is where i get personal Unveil my manifest, and show that I'm versitile An assasin of words, but my nature is merciful. Optimistic! cause I never half ass and my cup stays full Learned not to decieve & over eyes pull wool Mastered telekinesis like a hands on tool Absorbed knowledge, only to enlighten fools! Like accepting the presence, of life long rules! So in depth, that i'm something like a life long school! So take heed to my words for they're born of truth Concieved by destiny to be indulged by you QUESTION??????????? Why does 1? plus 1? have to equal 2?? When an item is just 1, though it may possess a ME & YOU! We all have so much that we have, to, do! But we always profess, that we're all so through! When in reality, we are all, but all through! Leaving you looking at me & me waiting on you But neither of us have our answers, and that's the truth For if we did, you'd be a perfect me! & I a perfect you! So educate yourself, by listening to you And then like myself: you may understand the truth!


Jean Grae "Love Thirst" Official Music Video


the bible but on a less serious note warriors don't cry and 1984


my mom but moreso my little girl she holds it down

My Blog

a father’s love

Never knew a lover like a mother till i had my daughterHer birth left me breathless, for now i live for her as a fatherI was searching for a draft in my life till she became my starterDe-hydarated by ...
Posted by CHEMISTRY on Wed, 21 May 2008 08:50:00 PST

a father’s love

Never knew a lover like a mother till i had my daughterHer birth left me breathless, for now i live for her as a fatherI was searching for a draft in my life till she became my starterDe-hydarated by ...
Posted by CHEMISTRY on Wed, 21 May 2008 09:08:00 PST

true reality

The way you make me feel inside, can not be described by simplified rhymes, yet instead the complexity of life! as we were born when we met, only to seperate like siamese twins through regret, thought...
Posted by CHEMISTRY on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 05:32:00 PST


how would you feel if i didn't love youhow would you feel if i didn't carehow would you feel if i wasn't therehow would you feel if you couldn't hold mehow would you feel if you couldn't love mehow wo...
Posted by CHEMISTRY on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 08:31:00 PST


Ass is fat, frame is little!!! She likes when i go down, and put my tongue in the middle!!! Make her do the back stroke, even deep throat!!! Play her body like a fiddle! And get her high like dope!!...
Posted by CHEMISTRY on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 03:39:00 PST


Why, do i, try, so hard in this life? I've conformed in order to perform, yet i'm still ridiculed by strife! I'm in need of the comfort of a wife........................ Tired of the biches!, chicken...
Posted by CHEMISTRY on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:41:00 PST


Check my space, this is where i get personal! Unveil my manifest, and show that I'm versitile An assasin of words, but my nature is merciful Optimistic! cause I never half ass and my cup stays fu...
Posted by CHEMISTRY on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 07:04:00 PST

What you made me do

I looked inside, my mind,  and i tried, to realize, and find! A rhyme, that would suprise your mind, in every possible way I got no time for non-sense, and no more games Just wanna...
Posted by CHEMISTRY on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 08:56:00 PST

The Truth Of It All

I have a burning desire in my heart & in my soul It is like a fire, un-contaimed & un-controlled It has me lusting & hating, disgracing friends & makin foes I&...
Posted by CHEMISTRY on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:58:00 PST

what's inside

I took a long look at myself And in that I found wealth Not like diamonds, ruby's, or gold! But instead the purity of my soul It warmed my body & did away with the cold And even brought youth to w...
Posted by CHEMISTRY on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 11:54:00 PST