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About Me

cassandraaa to those i like.
i'm pretty gullable. i'll believe most things you say.
i don't tend to understand jokes.
i'm very inquisitive. it may be annoying.
i'm not sure if inquisitive is a word.
i watched this disney channel film recently, and it's made me really want to live in spain.
it was the cheetah girs. ha!
i decided i'm quite happy. despite how much i complain.
oh, and i fucking love manish arora.
i love having conversations with andy.
when we chat about how good we are.
and how some films could be better.
conversations like this make me laugh.
why didn't gandalf just give them an eagle to start with? it would have only taken about half an hour
yeah they could have trekked it by eagle
or just invented trains.
how come he's aged so much?
cause he's a lightweight.
how long do you reckon battles go on for?
fuck knows.
must be like weeks or something.
yeah, do you reckon they ever sit down for a while and just have a break? to recooperate?
blah blah etcetc.
my dad think's he's funny. saying this to me;
If you were the only girl in the world
And I were the only boy.
I'd shoot myself.

My Interests


animal collective.


manish arora. i wish i could design like him?