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About Me

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Ein is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi brought aboard the Bebop by Spike after a failed attempt to capture a bounty. Ein is a "data dog". It is obvious that Ein is abnormally intelligent, as he is able to answer the telephone, use the Internet, and generally do a number of other things that an average canine shouldn't be able to do. Ein is apparently also able to hack computers via a brain wave interface, further indication of his abnormal capabilities. It is likely that Ed is the only crew member with any idea of Ein's capabilities, as the other crew members are quick to dismiss Ein, and never seem to acknowledge him as more than a pet. Ein initially takes a shine to Jet, but when Ed joins the crew, he comes around to her as well. He went with Ed after she left the crew, probably because of his attachment to her.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

sleeping,eating,adventures,help out with bountys, keeping the cats in shape, chewing on clothes, playing w/my bestfriend Murphy, being feed, hanging out w/my mommy & daddy, oh and did i mention sleeping.

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jazz and whatever doesn't hurt my ears.


Cowboy Bebop: The movie. Cowboy bebop: the series, Totoro, The Animatrix, Cat soup, anything anime really... oh and I like that flick cats and dogs. And Homeward Bound. It was very motivational!


the bounty hunters show with that crazy guy and that crazy blonde girl. The Food Channel, Animal Planet, & I recently got into MXC.


Clifford, Zoo books, Garfield..


All the K-9 police dogs out there, and the airport drug dogs! Balto, Lassie (Classic), Underdog, Hong Kong Phooey, I love Scooby Doo, but I don't like scrappy to much.

My Blog

Annual Corgi get together...

Hi everyone, am just letting you know that there is an Annual Corgi Celebreation coming up on October the 28th!!! Its going to benefit a corgi rescue group. They are going to have lots of contests and...
Posted by Ein on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 12:37:00 PST