So hot I could take the summer off profile picture

So hot I could take the summer off

You can't have me I'm already in love

My Interests


Make It Rain Video - Fat Joe lyrics Fat Joe Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by VideoCure Myspace LayoutsHip hop/R&B


Four BrothersTake the quiz:
Which GUY would you date? (((PiCTURES)))

You like a guy to romance you with his SEXY voice!!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

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Have you ever....
Smoked weed? maybe once or twice or a few times
Made out with a complete stranger? hell nah
Made out with a member of the same sex? never
Been in love? of course
Been on an airplane? yup
Thrown up after drinking? a few times
Had a Hangover? hell yea
Played a prank on someone? life wouldn't be fun if i didn't
Been kicked out of your house? ummm no
Done something with your friend's boyfriend/girlfriend? once
Forgotten someone's name? all the time
Mooned/flashed someone? i showed them titties
Been told you're sexy? everyday
Cheated on someone? i plea the 5th
Had feelings fo someone who didn't have them back? yes
Pole danced? no im not a stripper
Stripped? for a friend
Had sex with someone u didnt even know? i plea the 5th
Been to a stripclub? yup
Fallen asleep during class? i still do
Been pregnant/gotten someone pregnant? nope
Been to a funeral? no hope it stays that way
Seen someone die? no
Stolen something? once or twice
Been beat by your parents? hell naw they know wussup
Been in love? yes
Had sex with more than one person at a time? ummmm no
Had sex with more than one person in one day? not when i was sober
Hit your lil brother/sister? dont have one
Gotten in a fight? a few
Thought about being homosexual? fuck no
Do you...
have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope and dont want one
Hate someone? hate is such a strong word i dislike
Keep secrets? depends on what it is
Go out friday and saturday nights? shit 7 days of the week
Go to church on sundays? no but i need to
Believe in God? yes
Brush your teeth? what the fuck of course
Have a favorite stuffed animal? yes her name is princess
Have a job? not at the moment but im in school
Go to clubs?
Drink alcohol? every fuckin night
Food? tacos
Color? blue
Movie? waiting to exhale
Ice cream flavor? chocolate, i like everything chocolate
Fast food restaurant? taco bell
Soft Drink? sprite
Liqour? segrams gin
TV show? king of queens
Book? dont have one
Song? push it
Actor/Actress? julia roberts
Musical Artist? chamillionaire


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