~Kevin G~ profile picture

~Kevin G~


About Me

A little about me...I am pushing 40 but don't look it,don't feel it, and a lot of the time don't act it! I am growing up but not quite grown up. I am twice divorced with 2 wonderful sons from my first marriage and me and their mom get along just fine. My youngest son is also severly autistic which provides it's own challenges. They are the lights of my life and have given me perspective on life I never would have achieved without them. My second marriage almost made me give up women all together until one night i met THE ONE,right here at myspace. She is EVERYTHING I have ever wanted in a woman. She is all mine and I AM ALL HERS! I pride myself on NOT being like other guys...I read,shop, talk, enjoy spending time with my kids, love cuddling and believe in loyalty and friendship. I also like good beer, football,sex, and metal music! I do not let ANYONE define me. If you want to know something,ASK! If you are offended by what you hear...TOUGH!I am a open book!found this guys layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments

My Interests

MySpace Codes & MySpace Layoutsspending time with my sons,dancing, golfing, coaching and playing baseball, MUSIC, reading, writing, cooking(AND I DO IT WELL) playing video games( having young sons is a GREAT way to justify doing this...LOL),watching sports,going to sport eventws and metal shows.
Horror Pictures at satanspace.com

I'd like to meet:

Famous people include: writers Michael Chabon,Sam Harris,Richard Dawkins,Christopher Hitchins, musicians Bob Dylan, Eddie Vedder, Randy Blythe, Nikki Sixx,basically any intelligent yet fucked up artist. I also would like to meet, at the same time,the Dalai Lama and the Pope and Charles Darwin(I love a good argument...especially if I am in it!)--- at Myspace: anyone with half a brain who likes honesty and isn't showing off"My Humps" or thinks they're SH#T is B-A-N-A-N-A-S( trust me ...if you like this type of music you won't like or be able to keep up with me).I also don't need to talk to people who obsess over their bodies too much, brag about their height,or measurements, how much they can lift or press...or are preoccupied with death or grief. Life is too short. And I would much rather talk about you than listen to you talk about you...
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Lamb of God - Sacrament

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Machine Head - The Blackening

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Ankla - Steep Trails

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Pantera,Lamb of God,Machine Head,Megadeth,Slayer,KISS,Anthrax,Amon Amarth,Nile,Ankla,In This Moment,Chimaira,Killswitch Engage,Job For A Cowboy,Behemoth,DOWN...basically ALL metal...But I also like 80's Hair Bands(gateway to my metal obsession...high school -" you like Twisted Sister? That's not metal...try this..."hands me a copy of Testament's latest.I also like great songwriters: Springsteen,Dylan,Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam.If it is creative, I'll give it a listen.


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I am a traditional idiot male in my movie selection.I don't mind"chick flicks" but I won't go out of my way to see one. If then right person wants me too...I'll see anything.I love Star Wars, and thanks to my sons I get to re-live them over and over.I also like: The Jerk(Steve Martin in his prime...this movie is the greatest killer of 2 hours EVER!!!)Bachelor Party(Hanks at his prime...AND Adrian Zmed,Tawny Kitaen and a MULE!!!),40 Year Old Virgin,Animal House,Porky's,The Breakfast Club(ah...memories),Weird Science,Real Genius Fast Times At Ridgemont High...etc. In drama,if it has gangsters or superheroes,I'll watch. Goodfellas,The Godfather Trilogy, Bronx Tale,Casino,The Cooler,Spiderman,and X-Men are some of my favorites. Your results:
You are Batman Batman 65% Superman 60% Spider-Man 60% Iron Man 60% Robin 55% Supergirl 52% The Flash 50% Green Lantern 50% Catwoman 50% Hulk 45% Wonder Woman 42% You are dark, love gadgets
and have vowed to help the innocent
not suffer the pain you have endured.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz... BR


Mostly sports...I am always catching an Indians or Cavs game on the tube and ESPN is a morning ritual.DO NOT bother trying to talk to me on Sundays in fall and winter(If you don't know why...then forget it!)Shows I like include: Simpsons,Family Guy,Heroes,Criminal Minds,Boston Legal,Pushing Daisies...I am(sad to admit it but not embarassed) an American Idol fan as well as a HUGE reality fan.Some of my greatest heroes have made it back through the GLORY of REALITY(the Coreys,Bret Michaels,Peter Knight,Ron Jeremy...etc)


anything from Michael Chabon(I highly recommend The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay to you all as a starting point for Chabon)as well as Mark Haddon. Reading to my sons got me hooked on Harry Potter... My taste in books is like my taste in music...I love going into a book store or library and just grabbing whatever catches my eye.


My father will always be my biggest hero,period.He raised 2 sons completely on his own and (surprisingly) neither one of us ended up perverted,insane,murdered or incarcerated. We both have good jobs and terrific families.We owe it ALL to him. Thanks Dad!
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My Blog

Do I have to keep proving this...

Here is yet another moment of religion proving it's uselessness and - at time's - it's harmful affect on humanity.   Not sure how many of you read about the girl in India born with 4 arms an...
Posted by ~Kevin G~ on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 09:48:00 PST

On behalf of women...

Ok... Now most people who know me know i am the last person usually to defend the women's movement. I like women that understand things like standing by your man and romance and how sexy a woman cooki...
Posted by ~Kevin G~ on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 11:48:00 PST

New Place...New Life...HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ALL!!!

Well this week I got the keys to the new house and moved almost everything in. Today is getting everything in the right place day(anybody who has ever moved knows this day can be more stressful than t...
Posted by ~Kevin G~ on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 04:44:00 PST

check out ...BAND OF HORSES

Now I prefer listening to metal , but I enjoy listening to all kinds of music ...mostly depending on my mood.   My latest find is Band of Horses who hail from the music rich city of Seattle ...
Posted by ~Kevin G~ on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 03:10:00 PST

To all my friends...and all of you

I wanted to talk to all of you because I am deeply concerned.Right now it seems like so many of my friends here are down in the dumps.   I read you guys pages and blogs all the time...and i feel ...
Posted by ~Kevin G~ on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 03:53:00 PST

A NEW beginning!!!

I have recently sat down with my son and discussed our continued allegiance to the Browns, especially in light of the recent debacle against the Steelers. We have decided that neither one of us can ta...
Posted by ~Kevin G~ on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 06:09:00 PST

WHAT I AM/what I am NOT...

I have decided to take a moment to let everyone inside of me and see what is going on.This is a defining year for me as I approach 40 and come out of a painful divorce.I have tried to keep my soul int...
Posted by ~Kevin G~ on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:51:00 PST

my birthday!

Hi everyone!!!   Well...another year has gone past in my semi-eventful life. To start i would like to THANK ALL MY FRIENDS WHO WISHED ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Every one of you helped make the day a...
Posted by ~Kevin G~ on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 05:41:00 PST

my name change...

I spend my Springs and summers under my birth name Kevin Michael...but as summer turns to autumn and the smell of football fills the air...I transform into my alter ego...METALDAWG ! Most loyal fan of...
Posted by ~Kevin G~ on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 05:58:00 PST

More PICS...Browns CAMP!!!

Hey all...check out the new pics of me I took and added yesterday...the hair keeps growing...   I also got some pics of my trip with Tyler to Browns training camp.More should be on the way...but ...
Posted by ~Kevin G~ on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 06:32:00 PST