I'd like to meet:
Everyone has that inner radiance, a spirit that truly shines. If you would like to work with me, I would like to work with you. Consider your session a gift to yourself, a timeless image that evokes your true inner being. No distance too far as long as my expenses are considered.
This gallery is purely intended as a work always in progress. Ever expanding and changing - exploring sensuality through the lens of a camera. Most of the people photographed here are not professional models, but simply clients, referrals, gypsy caravan dancers, and friends posing for the very first time.
My private studio is located in Lake Oswego, OR.
[email protected]
ring me:503.475.9808
behind the eyes-the website-
Om purnamadah purnamidam--
Purnat purnamudacyate--
Purnasya purnamadaya--
................... ......................
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ambient, drumming, world, fusion, trance, rock, progressive, electronica, indie, alternative, a sweet chant, too much to really all list here. i do believe that music can bring people together.
slingblade, american beauty, to kill a mockingbird, shawshank redemption, green mile, pope of greenwich village, a clockwork orange, somewhere in time
the soprano's, six feet under, seinfeld, the simpson's, Nascar, and rockstar supernova of course!
the secret, the power of now, the four agreements, a tantric quest, eat pray love, zen and the art of motorcycle maintenence, and never kill a mockin`bird cause the mockin`bird ain't done nothing to nobody but sing...
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda