Music, Science, Literature, Colors, Spiritual Awareness, Movies, Poetry, Rhythm, Learning, Emotions, Art, Thoughts, Computers, Money, Fashion, Beauty, Comedy, Illusions, Psychology, Philosophy, Sounds, Drag Queens, Jazz, Improvisation, Singing, Dancing, Piano, Writing, Performing
People like you, silly. =]
Jazz, Electronica, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Country, R&B......I like it all. Give me anything and I'll find the beauty in it.
This world of hysteria.
The Conan O'Brien, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Seinfeld, AquaTeen Hunger Force, Music Videos, The News, Queer as Folk, Larry King Live, A.C. 360*
I like bunnies. :]
Holy Cow, The Count of Monte Christo, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, A Wrinkle in Time, Who Moved My Cheese, 14,000 Things to be Happy About, Slam, 1984, Brave New World, Coloring Books.
My father, my mother, my sister, and my brother. They are perfect and I couldn't ask for a better family.