Sergio Collares profile picture

Sergio Collares

About Me



A b o u t M e?

    "L o v e E a c h O t h e r A n d P l a y G o o d M u s i c"

    F o r A l l T h o s e B r o t h e r s A n d S i s t e r s W h o D e d i c a t e T i m e A n d A l l K i n d E f f o r t s T o B r i n g T h e R e a L F r e e d o m, P e a c e A n d T r u t h T o T h i s W o r l d, I L o v e Y o u !!!
    F i g h t T h e N e w W o l r d O r d e r (N.W.O)


L i s t e n T o

I n f o r m a t i o n O u t T o T h e P u b l i c (Allan Watt official site)








If you want to know...

    The purpose that i did post the videos is nothing more than a trully desire to educate or inform as many people as possible about some realities that are been presented to us, smacking our faces in present days.
    I am not a north american citizen and because of that, you might think and say: "it is not your business!!" and that i should not worry about my country and other's, including America. Or you might also say: "everything's ok, don't worry! the problems stand overseas"etc etc... Well, i think that kind way of thinking or "false positivism" will guide you to nowhere.
    Now, i would like to afirm to be very important that you must think and judge for yourself about the fact that there is 99,9% of chance or possibility that many of these sinister "things" presented below (for example to be microchipped), may occur soon world wide. I believe they're already happening. And why are they happening? So in that case, it is irrelevant to be north american or not,'cause we, the pleb and the middle class (which both are known to be occupying the major part of this social gigantic engineered pyramid) are in the same f... boat. Aren't we? We are witnessing the creation of a total controlled society through a world government system.
    Check them out!!




MAD SCIENTISTS (transhumanism)




GREG SZYMANSKI interview with CARL SANDERS(microchip inventor)









CHEMTRAILS - CLOUDS OF DEATH (the Freeman Perspective)




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My Interests


Member Since: 9/5/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

  • Mind Body & Soul
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    People who make and respect music that comes from the heart & soul.

    Sounds Like:
  • whatever you feel about________________________________________________
  • ________________________________________________

    P u t S o m e M u s i c

    pbbradio42pushradio_________________________________________ _

    D J i n g


    E P i n f o

    wub tech

    Record Label: wub tech records
    Type of Label: Indie