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About Me

I think i'm wierd. At least that's what my girlfriend says. I love music. Any music involving guitars and a drumset, fast or slow, throw it at me. I play the guitar. Not because it's cool like how some beings out there feel. I think John Frusciante is a genius. I also play the drums. I play in a band called SavingSomeone. I feel that the local music scene is severly under appreciated and i totally love caracal. Photography is my extreme hobby and i bring my D40x whereever i leave my house. I snap pictures at the most random times not because it looks good but because i can see an emotion in almost any frame. I absolutely love my girlfriend because i think she is unique and wierd like me. Music is a gift to the world because it helps you send emotions to someone listening. Once i pick up a guitar i love playing a lovely tune on delay because it's heavenly and it's one of my favourite sounds in this world. I dont think i'm special because everyone else think they are so what's the point. It can be difficult being my friend at times, because i seem to be too outspoken and direct in disagreement and i think that's a double-edged sword. Problems are replayed in my mind and i dont usually voice it to those around me because i seem to think alot and sometimes that just irritates people. Emo is a commercialised status, quote, genre, and sense of speciality and it makes me laugh. I think Fred is stupid to leave TakingBackSunday and Adam Lazzara is someone i would want to meet. Lastly, it is a call for concern and worry if techno goes mainstream.
I have a xanga, and it goes like this.