Memo | M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E profile picture

Memo | M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E

We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.

About Me

Born in New York, Colombian parents, have lived in New York, Popayán, Cali, Medellín, San Miguel de Allende (Mexico). Reside now in Miami. Love music and friends.
Migrante (Mee-gran-teh)
What is M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E ?
Migrante (Mee-gran-teh) is the Spanish word for migrant. Whether we move to a new street, a new city or a new country, we embrace the migrant idea as it becomes a part of our lives. M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E is style, art, music, identity, a new voice and at the same time it is much more. It is a group of friends brainstorming ideas to bring concepts to reality with a new mentality, knowing that in the global community, borders are mental elements that allow us to identify with a certain group or community. This is how migrante was born, out of the minds of migrants united to a common identity and taken from our own experiences and individual roots.
This is how we develop our ideas for music, fashion, art or whatever other expressions there might be. We dream of becoming an umbrella under which the talent and ideas of this group are put into work.
Besides that we want M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E to be a social movement we donate 10% of our earnings after expenses to kids' fundations around the world. Our hope is to give more and more as we grow.
The concept behind M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E
We at M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E believe that each human being has the right to all freedoms. Many of us carry chains that limit us, from which we should be freed. At the same time our individual identities should be embraced because this is what makes us unique in the sea of colors and shapes called humanity.
"More than Fashion, a whole movement"
Que es M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E?
M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E es moda, es arte, es música, es identidad, es una nueva voz, pero es mucho más, es una reunion de amigos e ideas para traer conceptos a la realidad con una mentalidad moderna sabiendo que en la aldea global las fronteras son simplemente elementos mentales que nos permiten identificarnos con un determinado grupo, es por eso que M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E crece a partir de emigrantes unidos por sentimientos de identidad local pero tomando elementos de nuestra propia experiencia y combinandolo con la herencia de nuestras raices.
En el proceso queremos desarrollar diferentes ideas, ya sea ropa, arte, música etc etc y en ese caminar queremos ser una sombrilla bajo la cual muchos talentos se cubran y poder ser un punto de reunión y de fusión de proyectos.
En M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E sabemos que hay que luchar constantemente por la libertad sin importar que tipo de libertad sea, muchos de nosotros cargamos cadenas mentales por mucho tiempo cuando deberiamos ser libres en ese y todos los aspectos, por eso nos identificamos con “Libertad”; del mismo modo pensamos que si encuentras tu verdadera “Identidad” podras ofrecer mucho más ya que está nos diferencia y nos hace únicos y necesitamos de muchos colores para formar una gama completa.
Aparte de eso en M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E soniamos con un mundo mejor queremos ser un movimiento social de ayuda donando el 10% de nuestras ganancias a diferentes fundaciones que ayudan a ninios. "Mas que moda, todo un movimiento"

My Interests

Music, Movies, Poetry, Graffitti

If you want to help us
pass the word
Copy and paste this text in your profile

Si deseas ayudarnos a difundir
copia y pega
este codigo en tu perfil

If you want to help us
pass the word
Copy and paste this text in your profile

Si deseas ayudarnos a difundir
copia y pega
este codigo en tu perfil

If you want to help us
pass the word
Copy and paste this text in your profile

Si deseas ayudarnos a difundir
copia y pega
este codigo en tu perfil

I'd like to meet:

Real people.


BARAKA, Cinema Paradiso, The Cell.


One hundred years of solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez).


My Dad. My Mom.

Por que cada Migrante que sale a luchar por sus sueños es un super heroe para su familia, para su pais, para si mismo, por que cada uno de ellos es una inspiracion, por eso hize esta camisa, como un tributo a soñar y a superarse.

Each Migrant that goes out to fight for his dremas is a super heroe to me, they inspire me that's why I did this t-shirt as a tribute to them, to dream and to be better.

My Blog

Quote of the day

"Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can."Vince Lombardi...
Posted by Memo | M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 05:59:00 PST

Quote of the day

We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible. C. Malesherbes
Posted by Memo | M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:19:00 PST

Quote of the day

"Ten People Who Speak Make More Noise Than Ten Thousand Who Are Silent" Napoleon Bonaparte...
Posted by Memo | M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 10:22:00 PST

Mahatma Gandhi

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. Mahatma Gandhi...
Posted by Memo | M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 06:23:00 PST

Quote of the day (Father's day)

I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying.Michael Jordan
Posted by Memo | M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Quote of the day !

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. Albert Einstein...
Posted by Memo | M*I*G*R*A*N*T*E on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST