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Make Me Cum!
♥Im SO Real ithsz UnfOgetable!♥
Ive made many Mistakesin 07--.. But In 08 I will have nO REGRETSIt 08 hOesz time fO a new me|AllOw me tO{re}IntrOduce myself! Dis da chiq Lady E?!!But da Otha siide Of me is Lady BoO | Ya Dig| --Dis shawty is residiing N dat lOne star state~ but bOrn N Atl |yea aint knO| Currently cakiin but iim sOon tO be takiin|Step yO game up|--As yOu should knO dis chiq has been grOwiin!; I started realiin mad ppl I diid cOnsiidedered my |friendz| were faker den a bitxh!~| Ihate da drama bullshxt,&cOrny fake hOesz! N dem niggasz N my liife|--Im currently droppiin dem from my liife| Fo sho dey aint cumin bac|--..Da few peeps I need N my liifeDancin= my life| so dats means I breath beats nd live rhythms--..|gOt money in da bank best believe hOe =]|;;-|I dnt lOok dOwn on yall;; I jus dnt see no hOesz bOve dis bxtch at all;;|--yO Only catch me N Jaysz-Nikesz-Forces-Heelsz-N Flatsz--| rOckiin Baby Phat..Applebottoms..CoOgi..EckoRed~_| I can be slOw N randOm at times>| Im nOt fat but im alwaysz eatiin;;dOn’t smoke but I drink__x I knO it trashy but I stay str8 CLASSY|| You either cum wit Or get loss ya diggggggg!!!!!